M. Ed. Education Administration 08

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EDA 540 - ISLLC 2,3,4,6

The Principalship
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APAS 4,5 (ISLLC 2,4)- required

Critique of your school’s emergency plan - A Better Plan-Module 4
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Rationale and Specified Standards

Arizona Professional Administrative Standards state that an administrator effectively manages services, programs, operations, and resources (Standard 4) while advocating and supporting curricular and instructional programs which promote the success of students (Standard 5). By analyzing , critiquing, and proposing changes to my school’s current emergency plan I’ve addressed these standards through the following performance indicators:

Standard 4: Performance Indicator 12: Identifies the potential legal issues affecting school personnel selection, development, supervision, retention, and dismissal in ensuring teachers and support staff are issued and trained to perform the procedures and duties outlined in the school’s emergency plan handbook.
Standard 4: Performance Indicator 16: Promotes a safe and effective learning environment by continuous review, reflection, and reformation of school’s emergency plan to best provide a safe, secure, and effective learning environment.

Standard 5: Performance Indicator 12: Describes and applies legal requirements affecting student supervision by ensuring that the supervision duties of all school personnel are communicated and practiced in accordance with district policies and state mandates as outlined in the school’s emergency plan.

USA National ISLLC Standards

A safe, efficient, and effective learning environment is addressed by promoting and protecting the safety and welfare of students and staff by implement, practicing, reviewing, and reforming the school's emergency plans (ISLLC Standard 3; Function C).

AZ- Arizona Professional Administrative Standards
Standard 4: The administrator effectively manages services, programs, operations, and resources. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 12: Identifies the potential legal issues affecting school personnel selection, development, supervision, retention, and dismissal;
Performance Indicator 16: Promotes a safe and effective learning environment; and
Standard 5: The administrator advocates and supports curricular and instructional programs which promote the success of students. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 12: Describes and applies legal requirements affecting student supervision.
USA- ISLLC Educational Leadership Policy Standards 2008
Standard: Standard 3: An education leader promotes the success of every student by ensuring management of the organization, operation, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment.
Function: C. Promote and protect the welfare and safety of students and staff

APAS 4 (ISLLC 2,3,6) -required

Staff Evaluations - Module 5
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Rationale and Specified Standards

One of the administrative standards set by the Arizona Department of Education states that an administrator effectively manages services, programs, operations, and resources (Arizona Professional Administrative Standard 4).

The following paper provides an example of this standard in a brief breakdown of the evaluation processes for teachers and administrators in a public school district with a comparison of the two processes and proposed changes in consideration of the ethical implications and problems associated with evaluations in general.

The following performance indicators are addressed through these proposed changes to the evaluation plans currently in use:

AZ Standard 4: Performance Indicator 4. The administrator identifies priorities (to improve the evaluation processes for administrators and teachers) and formulates plan to meet internal and external expectations in the joint collaborative development of multiple formative and summative assessments; and

AZ Standard 4: Performance Indicator 9: Utilizes staff evaluation and staff development systems to improve the performance of staff members with the inclusion of formative assessments into the evaluation process. These assessments provide the data to foster improved performance and to develop the relationships necessary to facilitate staff development.

USA National ISLLC Standards

Developing instruction and leadership capacity of all staff through empowerment and increased formative assessments will have an impact on students' learning (ISLLC Standard 2; Function F).
AZ- Arizona Professional Administrative Standards
Standard 4: The administrator effectively manages services, programs, operations, and resources. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 4: Identifies priorities and formulates plans of action to meet internal and external expectations;
Performance Indicator 9: Utilizes staff evaluation and staff development systems to improve the performance of staff members;
USA- ISLLC Educational Leadership Policy Standards 2008
Standard: Standard 2: An education leader promotes the success of every student by advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.
Function: F. Develop the instructional and leadership capacity of staff
Author: Gary Fishel
Last modified: 12/18/2010 9:26 AM (EST)