M. Ed. Education Administration 08

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EDA 590 - (ISLLC 1,2,6)

Educational Leadership in Technology
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A Plan for Integrating Technology - Module 5
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The following paper is a proposal to create a technology plan that integrates technology into instruction/curriculum. The plan itself addresses all of the specified standards as it

AZ- Arizona Professional Administrative Standards
Standard 1: The administrator facilitates the development, articulation, implementation, and management of an organization's mission, in this case, the integration of technology in instruction, meeting the following indicators:

Performance Indicator 3: Provides purpose and direction for individuals and groups within the organization;

Performance Indicator 4: Demonstrates a knowledge of educational issues and how they affect students, schools, and the community;

Performance Indicator 5: Facilitates the development of strategic action plans, and goals in cooperation with the community;

Performance Indicator 6: Sets priorities in the context of community, student, faculty and staff needs;

Performance Indicator 7: Serves as an articulate spokesperson for the welfare of all students in a diverse community;

Standard 2: The administrator facilitates the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the social, cultural, and legal aspects of the community by integrating technology into the curriculum and daily educational practices of the school, meeting the following indicators:

Performance Indicator 1: Develops procedures for defining mutual expectations;

Performance Indicator 5: Develops procedures to provide for equal educational opportunities in educational programs;

Standard 3: The administrator implements positive and proactive communication strategies for effective parent and community involvement to improve the learning environment for all students by stressing public relations in a bid to garner community involvement and support in the technology plan and in committee membership roles. All indicators are met:

Performance Indicator 1: Articulates organizational purpose and priorities to the community and news media;

Performance Indicator 2: Requests and responds to community feedback;

Performance Indicator 3: Demonstrates consensus building and conflict mediation;

Performance Indicator 4: Formulates and implements plans for internal and external communications;

Performance Indicator 5: Uses communications skills to strengthen community support;

Performance Indicator 6: Develops support for organizational priorities; and

Performance Indicator 7: Responds appropriately to the electronic and printed news media.

Standard 4: The administrator effectively manages services, programs, operations, and resources by overseeing the technology board and subcommittees and their recommendations and proposals to include the following indicators:

Performance Indicator 1: Demonstrates a knowledge and uses a variety of theories and models of organizations and of the principles of organizational development;

Performance Indicator 2: Defines and uses effective processes for gathering, analyzing, and using data for decision making;

Performance Indicator 3: Identifies, frames, and solves problems;

Performance Indicator 4: Identifies priorities and formulates plans of action to meet internal and external expectations;

Performance Indicator 5: Demonstrates project and time management skills;

Performance Indicator 6: Establishes procedures to regulate activities and projects;

Performance Indicator 7: Delegates at appropriate organizational levels;

Performance Indicator 8: Secures, allocates and manages human and material resources;

Performance Indicator 10: Applies adult motivation research to select appropriate models for supervision of the organization;

Performance Indicator 14: Evaluates and promotes improved organizational morale;

Performance Indicator 15: Demonstrates knowledge of social agencies and services available in the community;

Performance Indicator 16: Promotes a safe and effective learning environment; and

Performance Indicator 17: Applies to daily practice the ethical conduct of the profession.

Standard 5: The administrator advocates and supports curricular and instructional programs which promote the success of students including rich learning experiences enhanced by the integration of technology:

Performance Indicator 1: Demonstrates knowledge of curriculum design;

Performance Indicator 2: Develops a strategic plan that enhances teaching and learning;

US National Standards

The implementation of an effective technology plan will promote the use of effective technologies to enhance/enrich student's learning (ISLLC Standard 2; Function H) and will initiate adaptations to practices and plans according to emerging educational trends and initiatives (ISLLC Standard 6; Function C).

AZ- Arizona Professional Administrative Standards
Standard 1: The administrator facilitates the development, articulation, implementation, and management of an organization's mission. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 3: Provides purpose and direction for individuals and groups within the organization;
Performance Indicator 4: Demonstrates a knowledge of educational issues and how they affect students, schools, and the community;
Performance Indicator 5: Facilitates the development of strategic action plans, and goals in cooperation with the community;
Performance Indicator 6: Sets priorities in the context of community, student, faculty and staff needs;
Performance Indicator 7: Serves as an articulate spokesperson for the welfare of all students in a diverse community;
Standard 2: The administrator facilitates the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the social, cultural, and legal aspects of the community. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 1: Develops procedures for defining mutual expectations;
Performance Indicator 5: Develops procedures to provide for equal educational opportunities in educational programs;
Standard 3: The administrator implements positive and proactive communication strategies for effective parent and community involvement to improve the learning environment for all students. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 1: Articulates organizational purpose and priorities to the community and news media;
Performance Indicator 2: Requests and responds to community feedback;
Performance Indicator 3: Demonstrates consensus building and conflict mediation;
Performance Indicator 4: Formulates and implements plans for internal and external communications;
Performance Indicator 5: Uses communications skills to strengthen community support;
Performance Indicator 6: Develops support for organizational priorities; and
Performance Indicator 7: Responds appropriately to the electronic and printed news media.
Standard 4: The administrator effectively manages services, programs, operations, and resources. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 1: Demonstrates a knowledge and uses a variety of theories and models of organizations and of the principles of organizational development;
Performance Indicator 2: Defines and uses effective processes for gathering, analyzing, and using data for decision making;
Performance Indicator 3: Identifies, frames, and solves problems;
Performance Indicator 4: Identifies priorities and formulates plans of action to meet internal and external expectations;
Performance Indicator 5: Demonstrates project and time management skills;
Performance Indicator 6: Establishes procedures to regulate activities and projects;
Performance Indicator 7: Delegates at appropriate organizational levels;
Performance Indicator 8: Secures, allocates and manages human and material resources;
Performance Indicator 10: Applies adult motivation research to select appropriate models for supervision of the organization;
Performance Indicator 14: Evaluates and promotes improved organizational morale;
Performance Indicator 15: Demonstrates knowledge of social agencies and services available in the community;
Performance Indicator 16: Promotes a safe and effective learning environment; and
Performance Indicator 17: Applies to daily practice the ethical conduct of the profession.
Standard 5: The administrator advocates and supports curricular and instructional programs which promote the success of students. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 1: Demonstrates knowledge of curriculum design;
Performance Indicator 2: Develops a strategic plan that enhances teaching and learning;
USA- ISLLC Educational Leadership Policy Standards 2008
Standard: Standard 2: An education leader promotes the success of every student by advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.
Function: H. Promote the use of the most effective and appropriate technologies to support teaching and learning
Standard: Standard 6: An education leader promotes the success of every student by understanding, responding to, and influencing the political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.
Function: C. Assess, analyze, and anticipate emerging trends and initiatives in order to adapt leadership strategies

APAS 1-5 (ISLLC 1,2)- required

Staff Development and Evaluation - Module 8
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The attached paper proposes a process of staff development and evaluation. It addresses the following specified standards:
AZ- Arizona Professional Administrative Standards
Standard 1: The administrator facilitates the development, articulation, implementation, and management of an organization's mission. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 4: Demonstrates a knowledge of educational issues and how they affect students, schools, and the community by acknowledging the value of technology in education and planning to implement it in instruction.

Performance Indicator 6: Sets priorities in the context of community, student, faculty and staff needs by making use of technology mandatory in formative and summative evaluation program.

Standard 2: The administrator facilitates the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the social, cultural, and legal aspects of the community. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 2: Develops working relationships and strategies for formulating and implementing organizational policy and funding practices through the development of technology board and committees.

Performance Indicator 5: Develops procedures to provide for equal educational opportunities in educational programs and Performance Indicator 6: Promotes the importance of understanding and appreciating the diversity in the community with special consideration of diverse needs and making sure all teaching staff take part in technology training and implementation in instructional practices.

Standard 3: The administrator implements positive and proactive communication strategies for effective parent and community involvement to improve the learning environment for all students. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 5: Uses communications skills to strengthen community support; and Performance Indicator 6: Develops support for organizational priorities by forming the Technology Board to support and report technology initiatives.

Standard 4: The administrator effectively manages services, programs, operations, and resources. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 1: Demonstrates a knowledge and uses a variety of theories and models of organizations and of the principles of organizational development; Performance Indicator 2: Defines and uses effective processes for gathering, analyzing, and using data for decision making; Performance Indicator 4: Identifies priorities and formulates plans of action to meet internal and external expectations; Performance Indicator 5: Demonstrates project and time management skills; Performance Indicator 6: Establishes procedures to regulate activities and projects; Performance Indicator 10: Applies adult motivation research to select appropriate models for supervision of the organization while forming and supervising technology board and subcommittees to fulfill the mission to implement technology into instruction/curriculum.

Performance Indicator 16: Promotes a safe and effective learning environment by implementing technology into instruction for additional vehicles of personal growth and to provide additional enriched learning experiences.

Performance Indicator 17: Applies to daily practice the ethical conduct of the profession while working with and supporting student, teacher, and team efforts.

Standard 5: The administrator advocates and supports curricular and instructional programs which promote the success of students. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 1: Demonstrates knowledge of curriculum design; Performance Indicator 2: Develops a strategic plan that enhances teaching and learning; Performance Indicator 3: Plans curriculum which anticipates occupational trends and their educational implications;

Performance Indicator 4: Demonstrates understanding of instructional objectives using theories of cognitive development; and Performance Indicator 7: Demonstrates knowledge of assessment strategies to help students achieve at high levels;while conducting formative and summative assessments.

Performance Indicator 5: Demonstrates a knowledge of alignment and sequence of curriculum which promotes student achievement; and Performance Indicator 6: Demonstrates knowledge of valid and reliable performance indicators and testing procedures to measure student achievement;by providing a scope and sequence as part of technology plan.

Performance Indicator 8: Utilizes current technologies which support management and instructional functions by advocating implementation of technology into instruction.

Performance Indicator 9: Exhibits knowledge of an instructional management system that includes research findings on learning, motivation, instructional strategies, instructional time, and resources to maximize student achievement;
and Performance Indicator 10: Demonstrates knowledge of research findings on the use of a variety of instructional strategies that include multicultural sensitivity and various learning styles by advocating staff development training which will include action research projects to find the best ways to maximize student achievement while addressing diversity.

Performance Indicator 11: Implements programs to help students develop as caring and informed citizens by providing guidance and rich learning experiences with technology to give students the ability to stay informed as they progress into their adult lives.

Performance Indicator 12: Describes and applies legal requirements affecting student supervision in all phases of planning process to implement the plan.

US National Standards

Quality evaluation and staff development programs must contain some element addressing the integration of technology.  The monitoring and evaluation of such programs in order to revise practices is critical (ISLLC Standard 1; Function E). The end result of such training and supervision should be increased staff capacities in leadership and professional development (ISLLC Standard 2; Function F).
USA- ISLLC Educational Leadership Policy Standards 2008
Standard: Standard 1: An education leader promotes the success of every student by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by all stakeholders
Function: E. Monitor and evaluate progress and revise plans
Standard: Standard 2: An education leader promotes the success of every student by advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.
Function: F. Develop the instructional and leadership capacity of staff
Author: Gary Fishel
Last modified: 12/18/2010 9:26 AM (EST)