Making Connections That Stick

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Team Work

Lesson Plans, Videos and More

Lesson Plans

File Attachments:
  1. (1) MCTS - Our Virtual Community (1) MCTS - Our Virtual Community
    Using Virtual Reality to Learn about our Community. In this lesson, students used Microsoft Virtual Earth to find landmarks in our community. They then learned how to capture photos and incorporate them into a Powerpoint about our community. Lesson designed and delivered by Patty Waldron and Kate Fisher.
  2. Temperature Conversions Temperature Conversions
    Students learn how to convert temperature readings from Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit while studying how various maple sweets are produced. Lesson developed and delivered by Kim Basford.


While working on our project, we video-taped teachers and students.  Here are some clips that may not have made their way into our documentary and some short videos that we put together as fun documentation of our activities.

FFA Pancake Breakfast

Our Fieldtrip to the American Maple Museum


Other Project Videos...

Surveys and Results

File Attachments:
  1. Team Survey Team Survey
    Team members evaluated the success of the project using this online survey.
  2. Team Survey Results Team Survey Results
    The team reflects on the effectiveness of the team and the success of the project.
Author: Kate Fisher
Last modified: 6/22/2007 12:31 PM (EDT)