Noberto "Bert" Garcia

Home > Fall 2022 E-Portfolio > Folio Cafe, week of 10/3

Folio Cafe, week of 10/3


What is your perception of mental health/ self-care? How does other people's perception of mental health influence how you engage in self-care and expression (with others)? 

I realized that since my time in college my family does not see the amount I put into school. Most of them equate work to manual labor. I think since I have been in school, I have had constant mental workload. Not only with having the mental head space to do homework but also just having the mental flexibility of constantly having something to do. I feel like I never get a break. Because of that my perception of mental health and self-care has really changed. You would think that just laying down and taking a break is enough self-care one person needs. But I find that when I sit still my mind still races and my body may be in a “physical position” for rest, but my mind is not. And because of that I have to do things that deliberately take my mind off of due dates and schoolwork. If I am being honest online shopping is somewhat of myself care. I love scrolling through websites imagining how I would use products or what benefits they could do for me. I think about how I could afford them, or I look for a great deal online. This takes my mind off focusing on other things. Another self-care that I don’t think people realize is self-care for me but that is “healthy” binge watching. When I spend hours focus on the plot of a show I can actually relax from all my daily mental woes and due dates. But my family doesn’t see that. My family my see that as being unproductive. They picture self care as maybe a nap or a sweet meal. Which CAN be selfcare but I am not escaping overworking my physical body and I am not restricted in my foods. What I need to care for is my physical state of mind. It is two entirely different worlds. I think about how this is going to translate when I join the field of interpreters. Will a physical requirement of self care be the focus or will my mental health still be the focus. I am glad I am have the self awarness to work on this.  

I am adding the amazon logo as my artifact because I think that Amazon is my self care app. Even if I dont buy anything it helps me take my mind off things. ^_^

Author: Noberto Garcia
Last modified: 4/17/2023 1:26 PM (EDT)