Social Justice Internship - Fitness & Aquatics at Misericordia

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ABCD Map and Reflection


The Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) project was one of my favorite assignments through the Social Justice Internship program. This assignment required us to choose a community to research and create a map of at least 10 different assets in this community. This was supplemented by a written Action Plan, which demonstrates the intersectionalities of these assets and how they can be connected to address a particular issue in the neighborhood. 

I also created a written reflection exploring how Misericordia as an institution, and me personally, focus on assets and deficits in the organization. This reflection emphasized how my knowledge of community development has affected my role as an intern and will affect me professionally moving forward.


Below are my two written responses and Asset Based Community Development Map:


Asset Map Assignment by Rachel Gerton on Scribd

ABCD Minnesota Youth by Rachel Gerton on Scribd

ABCD Reflection by Rachel Gerton on Scribd

Author: Rachel Gerton
Last modified: 5/2/2018 10:16 AM (EDT)