Principal: Kellie Leonard Classes Begin: 8:05 a.m.
Drawer 0 Dismissal Time: 3:15 p.m.
St. Charles, VA 24282 Teacher to Student Ratio 1-14.7
Phone: (276)-383-4531 Teacher to Student Ratio 1-10.5
Fax: (276)-383-4422 (Including Resource Teachers)
The mission of St. Charles Elementary is to educate students according to their ability, so that they can build a foundation that will help them to reach their potential for higher learning and that will help them to be functioning members of a democratic society. We believe that the body and mind work together; therefore students need experiences that not only enhance academics and physical education, but experiences that also develop a positive attitude towards self and others. Students are encouraged to set goals of moral and social responsibility for their own actions. The administration and faculty have the responsibility to the students and the community to facilitate the learning process in accordance with Lee County School System's objectives and the Virginia Standards of Learning.
In reference to the Department of Education’s General Provisions Act, section 427, the St. Charles Elementary will ensure that all family members of the program regardless of gender, race, national origin, color, disability, or age have equitable access to and participation in all components of the program. We will utilize the hearing-impaired telephone relay system, interpreters, and written communication to accommodate the hearing impaired population of this center.