Grant Gish

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About Me

       Hello, my name is Grant Gish! I am a Mathematics major at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.

       I am driven by determination – determination to be the best student, professional, friend, and leader I can be. I am determined to give life my all, be positive, and put others first.

       Part of who I am today reflects extensive leadership training I had throughout high school. Two years ago, I was an introvert and horrible at relating to others. I could push a group of people from point A to point B, but that was all I could do. However, I have had two years of mentoring students one-on-one and leading groups of people. I have poured into others’ lives and, as a result, have improved my relational weakness tremendously. Improved, in fact, to the point I am now an extrovert. I have learned every person tends to be incredible in his or her own way. It is for this reason I enjoy listening to others, becoming involved in their lives, and helping them however I can.

       Throughout my life, I have also learned to be positive. A positive mind affects who you are more than any other character trait. There are so many blessings, so many treasures, that we take for granted each day. I strive to notice these hidden treasures, because when I do, it makes life that much more incredible. I have learned even the parts of life that can be hard and stressful tend to be amazing opportunities. I will never forget what my high school AP Physics teacher told my class after returning from a trip to Jamaica. He said, “Where we stayed, most kids don’t get an education past middle school. They only move on to high school if they’re rich. Yet here you all are, taking a college class, then moving on to get a college education. Never forget how lucky and how privileged you are.” This moment will stay with me forever. So often I’ll take school for granted… When in reality, I’m more privileged than hundreds of millions of people. This is an attitude I believe can be applied with anything: a house, a family, a new job, etc. A positive, grateful mindset can change who you are.

       Now I am in college working to become a data scientist. I’ll be analyzing data to figure out the best path for a company to take and then presenting my ideas. I am blessed, I am privileged, and I am grateful. For this reason, I want to be in a position in the future where I can turn my blessings around toward others. 

Author: Grant Gish
Last modified: 10/28/2015 8:03 PM (EDT)