Alexis Edu 379

Home > Standard 2 - CURRICULUM > Standard 2.3 Mathematics

Standard 2.3 Mathematics


Welcome to the Math secction of my port folio.

I have selected my Late Delivery lesson plan represent this section. I have also attached my reflection on this lesson. Please see attached.

My Late Delivery lesson plan helped students with:

  • Addition and subtraction of algebraic equations such as fractions.

  • Multipling and dividing algebraic equations.

  • Substituting missing variable to solve the equation.

My reflection on Math Night explains my feelings of teaching a lesson to students as an emering teacher.


File Attachments:
  1. Late Delivery Lesson Plan Late Delivery Lesson Plan
  2. Math Night Reflection Math Night Reflection
Author: Alexis Chanel Glen
Last modified: 5/19/2010 7:58 AM (EDT)