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Field Experience and Student Teaching


OBSERVATION George Fowler High School, Syracuse, NY Fall 2007

Observed various grade levels of students within multiple classrooms.

Interacted and related with students of diverse backgrounds.

Franklin S. Barry School, Cortland, NY Spring 2009

Observed in a second grade classroom. 

Planned different subject orientated activities with small groups of students 

Participated with help in daily subject activities. 

Dr. Martin Luther King School, Syracuse, NY                                                  Fall 2009

Observed in a second grade classroom.

Planned different subject orientated activities with small groups of students.

Participated with help in daily subject activities. 

HuntingtonSchool, Syracuse, NY                                                             Spring 2010

Student taught in a sixth grade Social Studies.

Roxboro RoadElementary, Syracuse, NY                                                Spring 2010

Student taught in a third grade classroom

Author: Alexis Chanel Glen
Last modified: 5/19/2010 7:58 AM (EDT)