PWUMC Service-Learning Project Spring 2012

Home > What Platte Woods Has to Offer

What Platte Woods Has to Offer

"A healthy social life is found only, when in the mirror of each soul the whole community finds its reflection, and when in the whole community the virtue of each one is living."
~ Rudolf Steiner
Mr. Steiner eloquently describes the intimate connection between a community and its population that allows for positive change and development in organizations.
{  A perfect example  } of Mr. Steiner's philosophy on community, Platte Woods United Methodist Church's multidimensional population
 strives for a self-reflective and carefully cultivated atmosphere.
There are HUNDREDS of assets  ] available within the church's widespread population, which not only includes the fifth graders (ages 10-11) but also a membership of more than 2,000 (with ages ranging from newborn to over 100!!).
 The fifth graders are youthful, creative, and energetic. Their untampered imagination provides
    a unique and fresh outlook on life.
The congregation is dedicated to the Christian faith and to practicing those beliefs.
    Their faith leaves them satisfied with life, so they are able to channel their optimism into serving others.
The fifth graders, specifically, strongly believe in friendships. They work together to ward off
    bullying in a supprotive environment.
The entire congregation is compassionate and caring. The popular church service group,
    Faith in Action, is highly mobile and takes on a limitless number of projects.
Everyone at PWUMC is open to change. From new lead pastors to construction, this congregation
    is adaptive and flexible due to their solid faith-base.
PWUMC is nestled in the quaint community of Platte Woods, Missouri, which is surrounded by the realms of its
elder sibling, Kansas City, Missouri. The community is quite diverse and offers several assets to the church.
  I-29 onto south I-635, 3 June 2010
Within the church itself, the biggest available asset for the community is the facility,
    which has a magnificent sanctuary that can seat 2,000+ people.
The church has highly capable and devoted pastors that can effectively lead the community.
Platte Woods is located in close proximity to the Kansas City international airport and is just a
    short interstate drive away from downtown KC.
The community is extremely close-knit.
Platte Woods has several schools, gyms, large movie-theaters, attractions, and
    other means to organize and mobilize a community.
Calling on all of these population and community assets, the Children's Ministry capitalizes on its opportunities to influence youth. The CM is aware of the resources it has available, most importantly the kids, and it makes sure to use them effectively and appropriately. When designing lesson plans or activities, the CM focuses on the kids' passions, ideas, and desires to make sure they are engaged and experience the best outcome. With the support of the pastors and the congregation, the CM employs the church, its central location, and the surrounding neighborhoods to design a safe, effective, and productive
program for children.
Photos courtesy of Platte Woods United Methodist Church.
Map courtesy of Google, Inc.

PWUMC Neighborhoods and Community

Author: Lauren Gorton
Last modified: 5/8/2012 11:37 AM (EDT)