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Dwight Eisenhower


Dwight David Eisenhower was born on October 14th, 1890, in Texas. 

Eisenhower went to college at West Point.  This is the college for the U.S. Army. 

Before his presidency he was the Supreme Allied Commander in World War Two.  This means that he fought during the war and was in charge of many troops. 

In 1916 he married Mamie Doud.  They had two sons.

Eisenhower served as president from 1953-1961.  He served two terms.  Dwight Eisenhower was the 35th president of the United States.

During his presidency, Martin Luther King Jr. was working for the Civil Rights Movement.  Eisenhower supported the end of segregation and wanted everyone to be treated equally.  1954 he sent US troops to Little Rock, Arkansas to protect the black students that were trying to go to school.  President Eisenhower worked hard for peace.  He also ended the Korean War and improved US relations with Asian countries. 

Author: megan heath
Last modified: 2/21/2012 11:48 AM (EDT)