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Franklin Pierce


Franklin Pierce was born in New Hampshire in 1804. He went to Bowdoin College and studied law. 

Before he was president he practiced law in Concord, New Hampshire. After this, he got involved in politics. He served in the House of Representatives. He also served in the Senate and fought in the Mexican War.  This war was between the US and Mexico.  It was fought to decide which country owned the land in the southwest.

On November 19, 1834 Pierce married Jane Means Appleton.

Franklin Pierce served as president from 1853 to 1857.  He served one term.  He was the only president from New Hampshire.  Pierce was very sad when he became president because his son had just died.  He was killed during a train accident that his family was riding on. 

During his presidency the northern states were arguing with the southern states over slavery.  This was the cause of the Civil War.

He died in 1869.

Franklin Pierce was remembered as a man who loved his wife and family very much.  He was described as a handsome man who many people liked. 

Author: megan heath
Last modified: 2/21/2012 11:48 AM (EDT)