Portfolio of Sarah Higgins, Fall 2013

Home > Examples of Technology Usage in Education > Mobile Learning and Authentic Service Learning

Mobile Learning and Authentic Service Learning

Mobile Learning

Cell Phone (Lg.)

The files that are available for download bellow will bring you to a discussion on the positives and negatives of the use of mobile technology in the classroom. This document satisfies NETS Standard 3 because it shows knowledge and understanding of the use of mobile technologies. With the rise in use of cellular phones and tablet devices, I forsee classrooms and educators moving in a direction that utilizes these devices on a daily basis for all grade levels. 

File Attachments:
  1. A. Discussion on Mobile Technology A. Discussion on Mobile Technology
    This is a PDF file for viewing.
  2. B. Discussion on Mobile Technology B. Discussion on Mobile Technology
    This is a working document for editing.

Authentic Service Learning

Globe 1 (Lg.)

Authentic Service Learning is a term used to encompass a variety of learning experiences which help to promote a deeper understanding.  These programs go beyond simple volunteer work, and provide for meaningful learning experiences for students as well as their educators (ETR Associates, 2012a). Educators should make themselves aware of the importance of including service learning into their classroom curriculum because it can help students to improve their academics, develop strong ties to their community, and engage students in exploration (ETR Associates, 2012b, p.1).

As a future educator, I could see myself using service learning opportunities in the classroom as a means of helping the surrounding community. Service learning can be used to help address problems that are important to tackle in specific communities to draw them together (ETR Associates, 2012b). This could be as simple as bringing the students to a home for the elderly, to help clear misconceptions about them. Not only does this help the students to build knowledge about the people who live in their community, but in turn those that the students are visiting may have misconceptions cleared as well. It is important to do service learning such as this in order to implement parts of the curriculum such as character education, and to clear misconceptions about the world.

Before this semester, I had simply thought of service learning as a volunteer program where you devote some time to help students learn a concept. However I have discovered that it is so much more than that. It is important to understand that service learning provides an outlet for discovery and deeper learning for both the student and the teacher. Service learning is meant to benefit both parties so that teachers learn better ways to teach in a meaningful and memorable way where the students will be able to reap the benefits.


ETR Associates (2012a). What are the characteristics of service-learning? National Service-

Learning Clearninghouse. Retrieved from



ETR Associates (2012b). Fact sheets: Why districts, schools, and classrooms should practice

service-learning. National Service-Learning Clearinghouse. Retrieved from


Strip Design


Below you will find downloadable links to PDF files of comic strips created by second and third grade students through an app called Strip Design on the iPad. The use of this technology in a classroom shows competency in Standard 1 of the NETS for All Teachers. This is because it demonstrates that a learning environment has been created where students were given the ability to use and learn with technology.

The students in these comic strips participated in an event called Bugging Out. The second grade groups went on a bug hunt where they captured insects and created obesrvations about them and their environment. The third grade class on the other hand was taken to collect the mysterious goldenrod plant, where they later had the opportunity to cut the bulb on the plant in half in search of gall fly larvae. The students then used the pictures that were taken during their hunts to create memorable comics that depicted what they learned and participated in that day. 

Comic strip applications such as this for mobile devices serve as an easy to use learning tool for young children in the classroom who are visual learners. In a UDL classroom, these visual learners would benefit from the technology, however it is important to take students fine motor skills into account when allowing them to use technology such as this. Many of the younger children had a difficult time understanding how to use their fingers to manipulate the app, and could have benefited from being allowed to use hands on learning and play with it in a less time restricted environment. 

File Attachments:
  1. A. Second Grade Group 1 Comic Strip A. Second Grade Group 1 Comic Strip
    This is a PDF file for viewing.
  2. B. Second Grade Group 2 Comic Strip B. Second Grade Group 2 Comic Strip
    This is a PDF file for viewing.
  3. C. Third Grade Group Comic Strip C. Third Grade Group Comic Strip
    This is a PDF file for viewing.
Author: Sarah Higgins
Last modified: 10/29/2013 10:06 AM (EDT)