Social Justice Internship 2016-17

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Dear Future SJIs, 

Congrats on getting accepted to the program especially since it is such a competitive process. It is such a great program to be apart of and you are going to meet some wonderful people I am sure. You are going to learn a lot throughout this year, but trust me it is all worth it in the end. I thought I would end my year with giving five pointers to the future SJIs to help them through this next year.  

1. Appreciate the little things. I know this is a generic statement, but really appreciate them! Time goes by so fast especially when you are busy so take the little things in and appreciate how much they make you grow as a person. 

2. Plan ahead for your hours and make time for your assignments. There is sometimes a lot of work due for class, but it can easily be done if you plan for it ahead of time. Do not wait until the night before to write your reflections and do the assigned readings. Andrew will know if you did not do the readings! 

3. Do not be afraid to talk to your supervisor at your internship! It is so important to have a relationship with them so they can help you. Communication is key.  

4. Ask for projects at your internship if you are bored. Keeping busy makes the time go by faster and will make you want to go back to your internship. 

5. Finally, get to know your classmates. Use them as a resource and communicate with them when you are struggling. 

Enjoy your time as a Social Justice Intern. Remember that it is okay to have bad days, but use these as a learning experience and grow from them. Discussion and reflection are key. Tell everyone about your experience because it is pretty neat and something you will always remember! 

Sincerely yours, 

Brittany Medina 





Author: Brittany House
Last modified: 4/26/2017 7:05 PM (EDT)