Veterinary Assistant Program

Home > Indicator 9d

Indicator 9d

9d. The gap in achievement among groups of students is narrowed.

Artifact 73 - submit completed Student Enrollment Data Chart

Artifact 74 - analysis of disaggregated student enrollment data (3 years)

The class has a maximum enrollment of 20 students in each year of the program.  Specific numbers of seats are allotted by feeder school, and are not open to other students in the division until a set time has passed.  Attrition rate from first year to second is usually due to scheduling conflicts at the home school (ex.: lack of math credits needed for graduation), or by placing a senior in the first year of a two year program.  We occasionally have seniors return to finish the second year as a post-graduate.  See attached enrollment chart.

File Attachments:
  1. Student enrollment Student enrollment

Artifact 75 - submit completed Competency Attainment Data Chart

File Attachments:
  1. Competency Attainment Chart Competency Attainment Chart

Artifact 76 - analysis of disaggregated competency attainment data (3 years)

Upon completion of the 2012-2013 school year, 100% of the Veterinary Assistant Program students mastered 80% or better of the mandated competencies, with the class average reflecting 97.7% mastery.  In 2011-2012, 100% of the Veterinary Assistant Program students mastered 80% or better of the mandated competencies, with the class average reflecting 96.7% mastery.   The 2010-2011 school year reflects a class average of 99% mastery, with all twelve graduates achieving requirement of 80% or better.

Artifact 77 - analysis of disaggregated CTE Certification Data (3 years)

Not applicable

Author: Anne Hudson
Last modified: 1/15/2014 11:26 AM (EDT)