Veterinary Assistant Program

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Indicator 2d

2d. The content and instruction emphasize development and understanding of all aspects of industry.

The lesson plans included demonstrate a variety of All Aspects of Industry Competencies, including labor issues, community issues, environmental health and safety issues, and management issues.

The first lesson plan on venipuncture stresses the proper disposal of hazardous materials, and the personal protective equipment recommended preventing accidental exposure to potentially zoonotic diseases.  During the lesson, students refer back to their lesson on occupational safety.

The second lesson plan culminates in a nine week project.  It highlights the use of industry trends on hospital design, both from an aesthetics standpoint, as well as an environmentally conscious one.  Students use technology to conduct virtual tours of award-winning hospitals and clinics to plan their own hospital designs based on American Animal Hospital Guidelines. 

The third lesson is a learning activity packet.  It stresses labor and management issues, as well as touching on community issues.  Students are exposed to the ethical standards of the profession, and learn about employer/employee relations.  While learning about effective communication with clients, students learn how differences in culture, socioeconomic background, and level of education may impact their day-to-day interactions with members of the community.  Role playing helps the students to “see where someone is coming from”.  Each student takes a “communications style inventory” to identify their strengths and areas for improvement.  The packet also includes two of the quizzes students take during this section.

Artifact 18 - 2 lesson plans w/ All Aspects of Industry components highlighted

Author: Anne Hudson
Last modified: 1/15/2014 11:26 AM (EDT)