Veterinary Assistant Program

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Indicator 2c

2c. Curriculum and instruction are culturally and ethnically sensitive, free of bias, and reflect diverse learner interests and participation.

Artifact 15 - 3 lesson plans with different learning styles highlighted

The lesson plans with learning styles highlighted include:

  • A learning activity packet utilizing several instructional techniques to address visual, audio, and multi-sensory learners.  Practical applications of skills and interactive web sites address kinesthetic learning styles.  Students are able to choose how to demonstrate acquisition of knowledge and skills based on their learning preferences, which also promotes ownership of the process.
  • Two lessons were developed using methods from professional development in differentiated instruction, including learning centers and varying questions.  Included in the artifacts is a jeopardy game developed by the students as part of the varying questions lesson.
File Attachments:
  1. Jeopardy game (part of lesson 1) Jeopardy game (part of lesson 1)
  2. Lesson 1: Varying questions Lesson 1: Varying questions
    Included in the lesson plan is the jeopardy game created by the students during group work.
  3. Lesson 2: Anatomy Learning Centers Lesson 2: Anatomy Learning Centers
  4. Lesson 3: Livestock Handling Lesson 3: Livestock Handling

Artifact 16 - adaptive technology in use, if any

There are currently no students enrolled who require adaptive technologies.  Students in need of adaptive technology are identified by our Special Needs Liaison in conjunction with the individual students’ school counselors and IEP teams.  We have utilized an FM system for hearing impaired students in the past.  When needed, students also have access to Natural Reader, Kurzweil 3000, and the Pulse Smartpen. 

Artifact 17 - 3 lesson plans w/ accommodations for special ed. OR a sample IEP, if applicable

Attached are three lesson plans utilizing our lesson plan format where any modifications needed by students according to their IEPs are listed.  These may vary from year to year, and have included modifying tests, asking test questions orally, retaking of tests if scores fall below passing, etc.  The modifications appear along the right side of the table and are highlighted.

Author: Anne Hudson
Last modified: 1/15/2014 11:26 AM (EDT)