Veterinary Assistant Program

Home > Inidcator 6b

Inidcator 6b

6b. The program contributes to local and regional workforce development and to the community’s economic growth and development.

Artifact 41 - career outlook for this program

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of jobs held by veterinary assistants in 2010 was 73,200.  The outlook for 2010-2020 is 14% with as fast as average growth.

Artifact 42 - business, trade assoc., or parent testimonials

Letters submitted as artifacts include one from a parent of a 2012 graduate, two from The Oaks Veterinary Clinic, one from Bennett's Creek Veterinary Care, and one from the Virginia Department of Educations's State Specialist in Health and Medical Sciences.

Artifact 43 - submit completed Co-op and Wage Data Chart, if applicable

Students who are participating in Work Based Learning receive wages according to the organization employing them.  WIA students receive $7.25/HR, Public Works Academy Cadets earn between $8.00 and $12.50/HR.  Total earnings for the students shown in table below are not available to the instructor.


Workforce Investment Act  Interns (WIA)

Public Works Academy Cadets











Artifact 44 - copy of co-op, internship or training agreement or plan, if applicable

The attached artifacts are a copy of our STI agreement, and a copy of a form students submit prior to job shadowing.

Artifact 45 - sample or summary of employer evaluation or survey

Students participating in the Workforce Investment Act receive periodic reviews by their employers.  Attached are samples of evaluations conducted on two of our WIA students.

Author: Anne Hudson
Last modified: 1/15/2014 11:26 AM (EDT)