My Awesome Instructional Tech Ed ePortfolio by Erinne Jewell

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Lesson 3


In this lesson, we learned about the integration of technology in the classroom. For successful integration, there are three main ingredients needed: Learning Theory Foundations, Integration Planning Model and Tech-PACK, and Essential Conditions for Integration. We also talked about the constructivist and objectivist approach. This lesson is important to teachers who want to be able to use technology efficiently in the classroom.

Ingredient 1: Learning Theory Foundations

Before 1980, no one questioned the roles of technology in the classroom. These three roles were using computers as support tools, using computers to deliver instruction, and using computers as tools to show our knowledge. This ingredient includes the objectivist view, or directed instruction theory, and the constructivist view, of inquiry based learning. These two views are very different from each other, but both can be used to effectively integrate technology into the classroom.

Ingredient 2: Integration Planning Model and Tech-PAK

This ingredient in integrating technology focuses on the Technology Integration Planning Model (TIP), which has 3 phases. Although teachers may have different strategies to teach, they still need a plan on how to teach their content. The TIP helps teachers to stay focused on putting a plan into place. This model is a good guide for teachers when they are working on selecting the best strategies and digital materials to put into the lesson.

Ingredient 3: Essential Conditions for Integration

A set of National Education Technology Standards (NETS) were put into place by ISTE for teachers, students, and administrators and described conditions necessary for teachers to use technology in the classroom. ISTE states that for the desired impact, these conditions must be in place:

  • A Shared Vision for Technology Integration
  • Standards and Curriculum Support
  • Required Policies
  • Access to Hardware, Software, and Other Resources
  • Skilled Personel
  • Technical Assistance
  • Appropriate Teaching and Assessment Approaches
  • An Engaged Community

Evaluating Technology Integration in a Lesson

ISTE Standards

The ISTE standard that this assignment is following is Standard 6: Facilitator. As facilitators, teachers are responsible for making sure technology integrates well into the classroom and that the technology that they are using fits with their students. Teachers are fostering an environment in which students are able to use the technology that is in the classroom without difficulty. Teachers must also choose technology that can encourage student creativity to grow.

InTASC Standards

I believe this assignment relates to Standard 7: Planning for Instruction. The assignment is discussing how a teacher wants to plan her lesson so that her students understand the material. The teacher is deciding what technology to use to make her lesson stick in the minds of her students. By doing this, the teacher is planning for instruction in the classroom, planning how she will teach and what tools and materials she will use to teach. The teacher must pick the best tools that will make the material easier to understand for students.

CAEP Standards

Standard 1: Content and Pedagogical Knowledge is the CAEP standard that closely relates to this assignment.The teacher must know how she are going to use technology to teach, as well as know the type of technology needed for teaching her content. As a teacher, you wouldn't pull up a spelling game for the students to play if your trying to teach them how to count to ten. Teachers need to know what kind of technology is best to get the information across.

Author: Erinne Jewell
Last modified: 12/8/2017 7:24 AM (EDT)