First Grade Fun!

Home > NEWSY STUFF - Week of March 9, 2020

NEWSY STUFF - Week of March 9, 2020

Folders (Lg.)

Lunches this week:

Monday -   BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich

Tuesday -   Taco Day

Wednesday - Pasta Maranara

Thursday - Popcorn  Chicken

Friday -   Pizza  Day


I hope the children are saving their spare coins and

putting them into their Lenten Banks during this season

of Lent.    It is one way of giving.     

This week our spelling words are all spelled with "aw"

or "au" for the sound of short /o/

I would like to ask parents to just check your child's

homework before it comes back to school.    I am

getting some messy work and some incomplete

work, so if you had a chance to just look it over

quickly, that would be very helpful.  Thank you for


Have a good week all.


Author: BJ Joel
Last modified: 3/8/2020 2:11 PM (EDT)