Kendra Johnson

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Underground Railroad Coded Messages

Study the Underground Railroad Codes and use them to decode the Underground Railroad Coded Messages. Write your answers on your own paper.


Underground Railroad Code Words and Phrases




Escaping slaves

Bundles of wood

Fugitives to be expected



Drinking gourd

Big Dipper and the North star


Taking fugitive slaves from station to station

Freedom Train

The Underground Railroad

Gospel Train

The Underground Railroad

Heaven or Promised land


Load of Potatoes

Escaping slaves hidden under the farm produce in a wagon


Harriet Tubman


Fugitives to be expected


Leaders, speakers underground railroad

River Jordan

The Mississippi


People escorting slaves


Place of safety and temporary refuge, safe-house

Station Master

Keeper of safe-house


Donor of money, clothing, or food to the Underground Railroad



"The wind blows from the South today"

A warning to Underground Railroad workers that fugitive slaves were in the area.

"When the sun comes back and the first quail calls”

A particular time of year good for escaping (early spring)

"The river bank makes a mighty good road”

A reminder that the tracking dogs can't follow the scent through the water.

"The dead trees will show you the way"

A reminder that moss grows on the NORTH side of dead trees (just in case the stars aren't visible)

"Left foot, peg foot"

A visual clue for escapees left by an Underground Railroad worker famous because of his wooden leg.

"The river ends between two hills"

A clue for the directions to the Ohio River

"A friend with friends"

A password used to signal arrival of fugitives with Underground Railroad conductor

"The friend of a friend sent me"

A password used by fugitives travelling alone to indicate they were sent by the Underground Railroad network


"Steal away, steal away, steal away to Jesus"

(Words to a song) - used to alert other slaves that an escape attempt was coming up



Underground Railroad – Coded Messages


Using the Code Words and Phrases sheet decode the following messages.


The wind blows from the South today and the shepherds have many bundles of wood to keep them warm.






Have you seen the station master? A load of potatoes need to be taken to the River Jordan and given to the shepherds.





It is cloudy tonight. The baggage should be placed by the river bank for it makes a mighty good road.





The stockholder has arrived. Excess baggage can be forwarded by notifying the station master of its arrival.





Tell the station master that Moses knows of a parcel which must be forwarded. The parcel, which contains bundles of wood, should be delivered to the shepherds that watch the sheep where the river ends between two hills.






Make up some of your own:

Author: Kendra Johnson
Last modified: 3/21/2010 2:44 PM (EDT)