Courtney Johnson's Portfolio

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Guidance Curriculum (Standard 1)

Coral Reef (Lg.)

We are the creative force of our life, and through our own decisions rather than our conditions, if we carefully learn to do certain things, we can accomplish those goals.
-Stephen Covey

MO- UMKC: School Counseling Program Goals
Goal: GOAL I: Guidance Curriculum (MOSTEP STANDARD: (NCATE 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4H, 4I)The professional school counselor effectively teaches and implements guidance curriculum. (Relevant Courses: Courses in which student participates in fulfilling this requirement: CPCE 502, CPCE 504, CPCE 550, EDCI 517)


As a Middle School Counselor, I will spend about 25-35% of my time teaching the guidance curriculum.  This includes large group or whole class instruction, small group instruction, and even individual counseling.  I will provide instruction for each of the three domains; academic, career, and personal/social within my guidance curriculum.  This is, in my opinion, the most important of all of the standards because this is the standard which requires counselors have direct contact with each student.  I have developed and borrowed a few lessons which I believe will be extremely pertinent to middle school students in their quest to achieve excellence in their education.  Each of the lesson plans attached demonstrate my understanding of the importance of reaching every child. 

As a counselor, I will use my knowledge and understanding of the comprehensive guidance model for school counselors to use creative and developmentally appropriate ways to meet the needs of the students in my case load.  I will also provide system support for the teachers in my building.  Attached are several advocacy projects, both directed toward the teachers and staff as well as the students.  The websites will continue to provide me with information I need to maintain my professional growth.

Guidance Resources & References

File Attachments:
  1. Counselor Roles and Objectives Counselor Roles and Objectives
    A descriptive visual aid of the current counseling roles and objectives and the potential future counseling roles. (acquired through Deb Woodard)
  2. Excellence for All Excellence for All
    Article describing how we can view different students and work toward achieving excellence for every student. (credit to Robert J. Sternberg)
  3. Grade Classification Sign Grade Classification Sign
    A sign to post with hours of coursework to complete the year and to graduate. (acquired through Deb Woodard)
  4. Guidance Checklist Guidance Checklist
    A checklist for students to fill out with certain activities which will help them complete each step in their education. (acquired through Deb Woodard)
  5. MO Comprehensive Guidance Standards MO Comprehensive Guidance Standards
    Provides all Big Ideas and Strands for the state of Missouri. (DESE)
  6. School Change Project School Change Project
    This is an original document to address the needs of the school in which I currently work and to address the significant problem of the office referrals and how I will work as a counselor to meet the needs of the school and its students.

Lesson Plans & Advocacy

File Attachments:
  1. Advocacy Creation (Student) Advocacy Creation (Student)
    Encourages students to come visit their counselor to learn about how the counselor can help. (Original document)
  2. Build a Friend Build a Friend
    This lesson is an interpersonal relationship building lesson created for 5502. This lesson was published in the KSCA Newsletter in February 2009. (Original document)
  3. Counselor's Corner Brochure Counselor's Corner Brochure
    Handout for parents and students to provide information about the counseling program at my school and any contact information necessary. (Original brochure created by Jeanine Lizotte, Kandice Schlagel, Courtney Johnson, and Chad Hoffman)
  4. Gators Gone Green: Respect Lesson Gators Gone Green: Respect Lesson
    Lesson plan developed to target and reward positive behavior. This lesson centers on identifying and implementing respect. (Original lesson created by Courtney Johnson, Kat Kiser, and Kandice Schlagel)
  5. Icebreaker Lesson Icebreaker Lesson
    An icebreaker/getting to know you exercise to build interpersonal relationships among students. (Lesson created by Elizabeth Foster; Adapted by Courtney Johnson)
Author: Courtney Johnson
Last modified: 4/24/2012 3:15 AM (EDT)