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Communication (Standard 4)

Human Network (Lg.)
   Electric communication will never be a substitute for the face of someone who with their soul encourages another person to be brave and true.
-Charles Dickens
MO- UMKC: School Counseling Program Goals
Goal: GOAL IV: Communication and Interpersonal Relations (MOSTEP STANDARD: (NCATE 1B, 2C, 5D)The professional school counselor demonstrates positive interpersonal relations with students, parents, community members, and educational staff. (Relevant Courses: Courses in which the student participates in fulfilling this requirement: EDRP 508, EDRP 502, CPCE 505, CPCE 515, CPCE 531/532, CPCE 575A/B)


This standard covers a variety of concepts under one large umbrella of communication.  I have included evidence that involves communication with parents, teachers, administration, students and other support staff as well.  From my class discussions as well as my personal experiences as a classroom teacher, I have learned that most situations I will face as a counselor will involve some form of communication whether it be with the student or advising between students, with the teachers or administration, or even through consultation and referrals.  Confidentiality plays a major role in effective communication and therefore, many pieces of evidence will also fit into the ethics category.  While working with groups, I have learned that communication is a skill that must also be taught to middle school students.  The same is true for mediating troubles between stuents. 

I have included in my evidence many documents regarding 504 plans which will also be cited in the ethical behavior standard.  I have included them here as a part of communication with parents.  Communicating with parents is one of the most important things that counselors do.  During my internship I learned that the counselor is often one of the first people that parents contact when something is wrong or when they need something.  Because they develop such a strong trust with the school counselor, they feel that they can approach the counselor with their troubles.  I have also included information about bullying and tolerance because these are information sources that I will potentially need to go over with parents.

Another important set of information is my current school's documents of communication between faculty, administration, and the counselors.  The behavior tracking sheets are for the teachers and counselors to keep track of students and their specific behaviors to help them improve in school.  The PST and TST documents are the same as the SIT and SAT teams for my current school.  Another major goal in working with students is to advocate between the student and teacher.  This form of communication is delicate and must be handled with a great deal of care.  In doing so, I will also use many of the same counseling techniques that I will use with students.

Communication with Parents & Students

File Attachments:
  1. 504 Eligibility Notification to Parents 504 Eligibility Notification to Parents
    Notice of eligibility for a 504 (Turner Unified School)
  2. 504 Parent's Rights 504 Parent's Rights
    Document describing the rights of a 504 parent. (Turner USD)
  3. 504 Referral 504 Referral
    Document for referrals of a 504 student. (Turner Unified Schools)
Web Links:
  1. Bullying and Violence Prevention Bullying and Violence Prevention
    Website with resources for dealing with bullying and printable posters for violence prevention. (Credit to KSDE)
  2. Missouri School Violence Hotline Missouri School Violence Hotline
  3. Safe Schools Plan for Missouri Safe Schools Plan for Missouri
  4. Stop Bullying Stop Bullying
    Kansas Bullying Prevention Website
  5. Teaching Tolerance Teaching Tolerance
    Southern Poverty Law Center
  6. Teens Against Bullying Teens Against Bullying

Communication between Faculty & Administration

File Attachments:
  1. Behavior Tracking Sheet Behavior Tracking Sheet
    A behavior tracking sheet for an entire class of students to help the teacher reward students who are behaving appropriately. (credit to Amy Schoen)
  2. Blank Tracking Sheet Template Blank Tracking Sheet Template
    Document for tracking student progress. Teachers fill out the sheet for a particular student each week and the student then meets with the counselor to go over progress and areas of strength.
  3. Parent/Teacher Conference Record Sheet Parent/Teacher Conference Record Sheet
    This form is one I use currently in my classroom to provide information for the principal and counselors for any student who is failing or near failing.
  4. Principal-Counselor Communication Principal-Counselor Communication
    An Article on increasing effective communication between principals and counselors. (provided by Deb Woodard)
  5. Problem Solving Poster Problem Solving Poster
    Poster developed by Northgate to focus problem solving.
  6. Problem Solving Poster 2 Problem Solving Poster 2
    Poster developed by northgate to help students solve problems.
  7. PST and TST Procedures PST and TST Procedures
    Northgate's version of SIT/SAT procedures.
  8. PST first request form PST first request form
    Document for Team support like the SIT/SAT teams. Northgate's version of SIT/SAT.
  9. PST/TST Rationale PST/TST Rationale
    Northgate's version of SIT/SAT rationale.
  10. Referral document Referral document
    Counseling referral document. (Credit to Deb Woodard)

Confidential Communication

File Attachments:
  1. Confidentiality and the Need to Know Confidentiality and the Need to Know
    Article by Carolyn Stone discussing the information necessary for a counselor to share with administration, other faculty, and potential struggles involved in protecting a student's privacy.
  2. Confidentiality statement Confidentiality statement
    ASCA confidentiality statement.
  3. Peer Helping Peer Helping
    ASCA Position Statement Peer Helping.
  4. Support Staff Support Staff
    ASCA Position Statment Support Staff
Author: Courtney Johnson
Last modified: 4/24/2012 3:15 AM (EDT)