Ms. Knapp's Class

Home > 8th Grade Science > Forces in Fluids > Fluids in Motion

Fluids in Motion

Section 3:   Fluids and Motion

What You Will Learn:

Describe the relationship between pressure and fluid speed.

Analyze the roles of lift, thrust, and wing size in flight.

Describe drag, and explain how it affects lift.

Explain Pascal’s principle.

Bernoulli's Principle:

In 1738, Swiss physicist Daniel Bernoulli discovered that as the speed of a fluid increases its pressure decreases. What does that mean? When air is still it pushes equally in all directions. For example, air pressure pushes down on a table, but also up on the underside. But when air moves along the surface of an object the pressure is reduced. A fan blowing across the
surface of the table reduces the downward pressure of air. A light wind has little effect on a heavy object like a table, but a slip of paper illustrates the principle well. Hold a strip of paper under your bottom lip and blow over it with fast stream of air. Your breath creates a low pressure pocket of air above the paper. Below the paper the air pressure is higher and it pushes the paper up.

(The above was taken from


Author: Marilyn Knapp
Last modified: 6/27/2015 6:55 AM (EDT)