Isabel M. Kozak, DNP, NP-C, CLNC Portfolio

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DNP competencies

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice) essentials for advanced nursing practice competencies were followed for degree completion. According to the AACN scientific underpinnings of the DNP essentials are to integrate nursing science with knowledge from ethics, biophysical, psychosocial, analytical and organization sciences as the basis for the highest level of nursing practice. These essentials were incorporated into current advanced nursing practice. Explication of nursing theory, conceptual analyses, nursing frameworks and evidence based practice for use with health and healthcare delivery, for outcome evaluation and development of new practice approaches and theories were integrated into current advance nursing practice. DNP graduates engage in advanced nursing practice and provide leadership for evidence-based practice; this requires competence in knowledge application activities: the translation of research in practice, the evaluation of practice, improvement of the reliability of healthcare practice and outcomes, and participation in collaborative research (AACN, 2006). As a practicing NP and DNP, I am confident in my knowledge and ability to critically analyze quantitative, qualitative, meta-analysis and other methods of research, demonstrate leadership in EBP and become a leader in nursing activities.

Preparing graduates with the essential competencies to assume a leadership role in the development of health policy requires that students have opportunities to contrast the major contextual factors and policy triggers that influence health policy-making at various levels (AACN, 2006). With completion of this Degree and through active practice as a NP, I am prepared to critically analyze health policy, legislative and political agendas, demonstrate leadership, become more involved in nursing associations to educate my peers through evidence based research. Educators should consider adding a course in healthcare finance to both BSN and MSN curricula to better prepare nurses for the realities of practice. It is important that information system potential contributions and improvements within nursing for the use of EBP, research, provider and patient education are explored.

Nursing practice epitomizes the scholarship of application through its position where the sciences, human caring, and human needs meet and new understandings emerge (AACN, 2006). This DNP degree has allowed me to identify clinical problems, formulate clinical questions, and produce PICOT questions. This degree improved the pre-operative care of patients through a completed scholarly project. A systematic literature review was conducted providing evidence to support the development of an evidence-based pain brochure. This pain brochure was added to the pre-operative education of lumbar spine surgery patients along with additional time for discussion on pain, pain management, and to plan for a home pain regimen post-operatively. This project showed positive outcomes in reducing post-operative pain, decreasing phone calls to the clinic, and decreasing unscheduled walk-in appointments. Attributes of transformational leadership, inter-professional collaboration, conflict resolution and emotional intelligence while using Ethical standards guide my clinical practice.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2006). The essentials of doctoral education for advanced nursing practice. American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 1-27.








Author: Isabel Kozak
Last modified: 4/24/2015 7:49 AM (EDT)