Michelle L. Kusel

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Professional Experience


One common theme I find throughout my professional experience is the critical importance of transferable skills.  While I do believe there are specific skills and knowledge attached to different careers, I believe there is also much overlap.  If I received a dollar for each funny look I receive when I try and explain my career path, I would be retired by now.  But a few things I have affirmed are my desires to work with people, to weave technology into all aspects of my life, and to be a better professional than I was the day before.

In the video below, Courtney O'Connell asks What's one thing you will do this year that will push yourself way outside your comfort zone and inspire others to be brave?  Courtney is a colleague, friend, and inspiration to me.  We met at the Annuit Coeptis award ceremony in 2011.  I believe her Pecha Kucha talk very pointedly summarizes my professional values and commitments of failing forward, following passions, and committing fully to your work.  Enjoy!

Author: Michelle Kusel
Last modified: 12/5/2014 12:30 PM (EDT)