
Home > Examples of Technology Usage in Education > Project 5 WebQuest

Project 5 WebQuest

Project 5 WebQuest


Design and publish a WebQuest for your future classes using Google Sites or other open resources such as,, etc. Through teamwork you are expected to master both content/subject matter and the technical skills involved so that you can make good use of WebQuest in your own teaching.


To institutionalize inquiry-based learning and to enhance critical thinking.


WebQuest: Rationale:

WebQuest: more... (examples, surviving tips...)

Exemplary WebQuest found by Classes

Class 601 (Monday)

Science: Sherman)

Some examples from Best WebQuest:

Science: Breaking News...Reporting from the Edge of Disaster (Hoag, White)

Literacy (Cinderella fairytales):

Social Studies: Medieval Times Reality Adventure:

Social Science: What makes someone great:

Science: Raging Waters:

Math: Design a Park:

Science: Taking a Bite out of the West Nile Virus:

Science: The Ocean's in Trouble

Science: Destination Unknown

Class 603 (Tuesday)

Science: Breaking News...Reporting from the Edge of Disaster (Ashleigh Padasak)

Math: Lets Make a Deal

Health: Chocolate Chip Cookies: To eat or not to eat! :

History: World Cultures Webquest: - Alyssa Cooper

Math: Its a math world!

Medieval Times Reality Adventure -Whitney Romero

Breaking News: Reporting from the Edge of Disaster: Melissa J.

The DaVinci Code: Michele Henn

Literacy:"The Grouchy Ladybug": - Jamie Snow

History/Social Studies: Lindsie Wist

Health: Choc. Chip Cookies: to eat or not to eat!: Eden Gersch

Class 602 (Wednesday)

History and Social Studies (Rachel Jones): Medieval Times:

Science: The Ocean's in Trouble

Science: Destination Unknown

Social Studies: Michelle McKee-

Health & Physical Education, Mathematics: The dilemma of the Dangerous Meatloaf.

This course project can be a joint project with your Dr. Lin Lin’s EDU378 Social & Academic Curriculum I and/or other courses. Your WebQuest's content can be based on the requirements of Dr. Lin Lin's EDU378 Social Studies WebQuest Project, or you can design a WebQuest based on your own innovative ideas.

1. Form a group of 2-4 people (4 maximum). You should appoint one as the teamwork coordinator.

2. Brainstorm project ideas by browsing the WebQuest Rationale , by understanding the joint course project requirements, or by searching other resources from the internet and then deciding the content/title of your project;

3. You can do the whole project in two phases. Phase I of the project: set up the frame for your WebQuest in google sites by creating each page- with a title on the page itself. Phase II of the project: add content to each page.

4. Give Some Thoughts to Your WebQuest Project - Avoid Just Going Skin-Deep

"A WebQuest is a scaffolded learning structure that uses links to essential resources on the World Wide Web and an authentic task to motivate students' investigation of a central, open-ended question, development of individual expertise and participation in a final group process that attempts to transform newly acquired information into a more sophisticated understanding. The best WebQuests do this in a way that inspires students to see richer thematic relationships, facilitate a contribution to the real world of learning and reflect on their own metacognitive processes." (An extended definition of WebQuest by Tom Marsh).

5. Surviving Aids

Visit your peer Kristi LaCount's WebQuest (EDU314 Spring 09) at or any other peers’ WebQuest Project (Project #5) at


Your WebQuest will be evaluated based on the following Rubric.

1. Leading Questions: There is a leading question and sub-questions to guide the whole inquiry 1

2. Intended audience: Appropriate for intended audience 1

3. WebQuest components: Includes all or most components at a high quality 1

4 ANNOTATION: All questions are answered thoughtfully 2

5 Total 5

Due date

Week 9 (or in accordance with the joint course project due date).


1) Creators/Authors of the Media Project.

   - Jamie Snow and Alaina Latella

2) Indentified Grade(s) Level

   -  4th Grade

3) Brief Introduction of the media project – What is the value of using this type of media project in education? What specific literacy issues will this media project help address? What impact on student learning do you foresee occurring with the use of this media project in the classroom setting? What ethical or social issues might be of concern? Will this media project encourage use of problem solving skills by the learner?

   - The value of using a WebQuest in education is that it allows teachers to set up a project that students can research and fulfill mainly on their own.  The literacy issues WebQuest addresses are reading and writing.  A WebQuest will have a great, positive impact on students' learning. It will allow students to become more independent learners, while working on their researching and essay writing skills.  For this particular WebQuest I do not foresee ethical or social issues. If the WebQuest dealt with holidays, cultures, countries, or a topic of a similar topic, then the teacher needs to be aware and make sure it is not offensive too any and inclusive for the entire class.  This media project will encourage the use of problem solving skills by the learner.

4) Specifically identify one or two goals/objectives

   - Students will identify and research a marine animal on the provided list of their choice.

   - Students will write a report that is formatted properly on their animal.

   - Students will be able to present the information they discovered in a logical and creative manner.

5) Subject matter – What is (are) the subject matter(s)? Does integration of subject matters take place? How has this media project addressed cultural responsiveness teaching? (See this document for help in this area )

   - Subject Matter: Science (Marine Biology), Technology

   - Integration of subject matters do take place.

   - WebQuest addresses cultural responsiveness teaching because it allows students of all races,religions, and cultures to participate in the activity. It has the ability to encompass the different abilities of all students.

6) What learning styles will most likely be attracted to this media creation? (This might be a nice refresher for you on learning styles, use this only as a guide.

   - The learning styles that will be used are visual and kinesthetic.

7) What instructional strategies have been utilized? (This list is somewhat exhaustive and here are a couple sites to use as guides. or

   - The instructional strategies being used are active learning, computer based learning, group work and guided discovery.

8) Is this a self-paced or teacher-directed media project?

   - WebQuest is a self-paced media Project.

9) Would an individual or group use this media project?

   - Partners would use this media project.

10) What type of learning assessment will be used? Has learning transfer been thought about in your media creation and if yes how? (There are many articles on transfer of learning here is one to get you started.

   - The students will be handing in their report and presenting the information they gathered.  A rubric will be used to assess the students.  Learning transfer has occurred being that they are researching a topic and applying it to writing a report on it.

Author: Alaina Latella
Last modified: 12/20/2009 11:18 AM (EST)