"Coming Soon" to my life are four major goal. I only depict the big picture elements that I see happening in my life post-Global Brigades experience, because I think that you can never know what is going to happen next in the day to day moments of your life but you can can always can work towards your goals in life. In my action plan, I've included my major life goals that are related to global health. My Global Brigades Trip to Panama created a spark of curiosity in my professional career path, and it has lead me to investigate ways that I can get involved in global health. My first goal, in the last year that I have at Loyola, is to spread the word about Global Brigades and to share with others what I have learned in order to make Global Brigades an even stronger and effective organization. I also want to continue to learn more about global health while I am at an institution that has so many resources and knowledgeable professors that can help me to dig deeper. I already had plans to go to medical school, but now I am very interested in going to a school that will help me to build upon what I have learned in Panama and help to make me an agent of change in the medical world, both locally and globally. Lastly, I have multiple paths about where my life as a physician may take me, because I am not quite sure what opportunities I may be given to make an impact in the world. I do know that I would like some portion of my life to be spent trying to help better the health of people in the Global South or other economically disadvantaged areas. I end my action plan with a picture of fire, because this is how I want to "enter the fire". In class, after reading the poem "Sunrise" by Mary Oliver, we discussed how "entering fire" is another way to say to serve others, and this is what I fully intended to through the implementation of this action plan.
Lastly, three questions are included along the way of my action plan (1) What Brings Me Joy? (2) What Am I Good At? and (3) What Do People Need Me To Do?. These are the questions that I have previously asked myself that have helped lead me in to choosing the life as a physician as my vocation. Now that I have had this Global Brigades experience that has exposed me to the world of global health, I ask myself these questions again to discern how I can incorporate what I have learned for this experience into my life.