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Student teaching placement procedures and requirements

University Support Providers or Regional Clinical Practice Coordinators will find appropriate student teaching placements that meet the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and National University requirements. The Regional Clinical Practice Coordinators will approve the placement before the candidate is officially assigned. Failure to assign candidates to settings that meet the placement criteria is a violation of the CTC requirements and the National University Honor Code. Special placements not in compliance with the placement requirements because of regional center/school district placement constraints require approval from the Committee on the Application of Standards (CAS). University Support Providers and Regional Clinical Practice Coordinators will use the following placement criteria to determine an appropriate placement:

  1. Candidates are placed in their student teaching assignment by the university. Candidates are not to contact districts directly to obtain a student teaching placement. Doing so may have a negative impact on National University’s relationship with our district partners. University Support Providers will find placements that meet the CTC and National University requirements. Candidates authorize National University to release all pertinent information to any school district for the purpose of securing a student teaching placement.


  2. The Candidate Screening Interview is a requirement of the student teaching process. A Regional Clinical Practice Coordinator or University Support Provider meets with the candidate, reviews the candidate’s professional documents, and addresses student teaching questions and concerns. The interview is intended to review the candidate’s qualifications to become an effective teacher including academic performance, personal characteristics, cultural sensitivities, and professional dispositions. Each candidate is invited by the Credential Program Specialist to attend a screening interview before the start of the fall or spring student teaching semester. If the candidate does not meet the criteria, a Candidate Assistance Plan is created to assist the candidate in meeting the requirements in the deficient areas.


  3. Candidates must teach in the appropriate credential area. ‘Credential area’ is defined by two criteria: 1) either multiple or single subject, depending on coursework completed, and 2) in the subject area in which the candidate has met subject matter competency. Successful completion of the appropriate California Subject Matter Examinations for Teachers (CSET) or a CTC single subject waiver is required to meet the subject matter requirement.


  4. Student teaching must be conducted at a school site equivalent in status to a public school that implements the California Common Core State Standards, other pertinent California Frameworks and in a classroom environment that meets the age group, curriculum, schedule, diversity, and average classroom enrollment numbers.


  5. Student teaching must be conducted in classrooms taught by an approved Site Support Provider (classroom teacher) who has certification to teach English language learners, implements state-adopted academic core curriculum, models effective teaching strategies, and accepts the responsibility to coach, mentor, provide written feedback, and assess the candidate’s performance.


  6. Candidates will be assigned an NU Support Provider who will coach, mentor, provide written feedback, and assess the candidate’s performance.


  7. Student teaching must be conducted in a full-day, multiple subject or single subject classroom, for a minimum of 80 instructional days. Candidates may be required to serve for an entire semester to meet the needs of the school. In-service training days count toward the 80 day requirement. School holidays do not count toward the minimum requirement. The placement will, in most cases, be in a public school. Online instructional programs, after school programs, tutorial intervention programs, and outdoor education programs, do not qualify as appropriate placements.


  8. Candidates will be placed in a classroom where English language development strategies are being modeled and implemented by the Site Support Provider. Student teaching must provide a cross-cultural experience in a classroom with students who are ethnically, culturally, linguistically, and socio-economically diverse.


  9. Multiple Subject candidates will be placed in a self-contained classroom in two different settings and grade levels. One placement will be in a self-contained kindergarten, first, or second grade (K-2) classroom. The second placement will be in a self-contained third, fourth, fifth, or sixth grade (3-6) classroom, or the placement may be in a middle school (6-9) multiple subject classroom. One of the placements must provide sufficient experience with emergent readers, unless there is documented fieldwork experience with beginning readers. Candidates are required to work at the school site in their assigned classroom for the entire school day. Candidates will participate in school meetings, professional development activities, and planning sessions.


  10. Single Subject candidates will be placed in two grade levels and/or content levels within their credential subject.  They can be asisgned to no more than two supervising teachers.  Candidates will teach a minimum of 4 class periods in the credential subject area.  Candidates will be placed in two or more grade levels within their subject-specific teaching assignments.  Candidates will be required to work at the school site in their assigned classroom for the entire school day. Candidates will participate in school meetings, professional development activities, and planning sessions.


  11. Candidates are encouraged to participate in all school activities; however, the candidate should not participate in extra-curricular activities (contracted or not) that negatively affect their planning and teaching responsibilities. The candidate’s first priority is to demonstrate and fulfill the student teaching requirements in the classroom. It is highly recommended that candidates do not continue other employment beyond the school day. Student teaching requires a full-time commitment to be successful.


  12. Student teaching requires an impartial evaluation, and as a result, the candidate will not be placed in a school where family members or personal friends work or attend.


  13. Candidates may substitute in the assigned student teaching classroom, if they have received approval from the appropriate county office and district. The Site Support Provider (classroom teacher) and NU Support Provider determine the candidate’s readiness to substitute. Candidates may not substitute in other classrooms during student teaching.


  14. Candidates’ school responsibilities are limited. Candidates may not be used as a certificated teacher; as a supervisor having sole responsibility for playgrounds, halls, dances, coaching, or sports events; or as a transporter of students for field trips, or any other activity.


  15. If a placement exception is desired because of special placement circumstances, the Regional Clinical Practice Coordinator, Credential Program Specialist and candidate will submit a CAS request to the CAS Committee.  Please note, the CAS Committee is required to follow Commission on Teacher Credentialing regulations.   The committee will not approve requests that do not meet the CTC requirements.


Private School Placement Procedures and Requirements

  • Student teaching must occur at an accredited school site where:
    • California curriculum standards are being taught;
    • general education pupils of the same age group are served;
    • a public school time schedule is being followed;
    • number of students in the classroom is equivalent to a regular public school setting;
    • and certificated teachers are employed.


  • Multiple Subject candidates must teach in a public school for a minimum of 4 weeks to meet the emergent reader requirement.


  • Student teaching is not approved in online instructional programs, tutorial intervention programs, afterschool, or outdoor education programs.


  • Student teaching cannot be completed in a school where the university cannot provide supervision.


  • Candidates who are student teaching while under contract must complete missed days prior to a recommendation for a credential.


Credential Candidates Teaching Under Contract

If a candidate is offered a teaching contract, a candidate should contact his/her faculty advisor or Credential Placement Specialist to discuss clinical practice options.

Credential Candidates Teaching Under Contract Requirements:

National University provides a program whereby actively employed teachers can complete the requirements for their credential while employed.  All of the student teaching may be conducted in the candidate's classroom, assuming that the contract position is a match for the credential sought.  Candidates who are employed under a full-time teaching contract must contact the Credential Program Specialist for appropriate scheduling of the student teaching assignment.  Substitute teaching does not meet the credential requirements.

Multiple Subject:  Candidates under contract as a full-time teacher in an approved public elementary school with an approved Site Support Provider may complete part or all of student teaching in his/her classroom, depending upon experience with emergent readers.  Candidates who have the equivalent experience with emergent readers may submit the "Verification of Experience with Emergent Readers" form to the local Regional Clinical Practice Coordinator for review.  Candidates without experience with emergent readers will be accountable for a minimum of four weeks teaching emergent readers.    

Single Subject:  Candidates under contract as a full-time teacher in an approved public school with an approved Site Support Provider, may complete the full semester of student teaching in his/her classroom.  The teaching assignment requires teaching full-time in the assigned classroom in the subject area that the candidate is seeking a credential, with at least two different grade levels.

Candidates under contract in an approved private, court, community, or alternative school, which follows California curriculum standards and employs certified teachers, may complete twelve weeks (60 days) of student teaching in his/her classroom, provided there is an approved Site Support Provider. The remaining four weeks (20 days) must be conducted in a regular public school within the credential area.  If the school does not teach California curriculum standards, the setting may not be appropriate for student teaching.  The setting must provide opportunities for candidates to demonstrate all Teaching Performance Expectations and successfully complete the required Teaching Performance Assessment tasks. Substitute teaching does not meet the credential requirements.

Student teaching must occur at an accredited school site where:  1) California curriculum standards are being taught;  2) general education pupils of the same age group are served; 3) a public school time schedule is being followed; 4) number of students in the classroom is equivalent to a regular public school setting; and 5) certificated teachers are employed.

Student teaching is not approved in online instructional programs, tutorial intervention programs, after school, or outdoor education programs.

Student teaching cannot be completed in a school where the University cannot provide supervision.

Candidates who are student teaching while under contract must complete missed days prior to a recommendation for a credential.

Courtesy Placements

Out-of-State candidates seeking a Courtesy Placement must successfully complete all required California examinations and student teaching requirements. Student teaching placements cannot be guaranteed since placements are at the discretion of the school districts. Completion of the program will result in a California Preliminary Multiple Subject or Single Subject Teaching Credential.

A signed contract must be obtained from the requested school district once an agreement has been established. After a district contract is approved, an NU Support Provider is hired by National University, and a Site Support Provider (classroom teacher) is assigned by the district to supervise the candidate. It is not unusual for the process to take several months to complete. In addition, some states and countries will not allow out-of-state universities to place student teachers in their schools, and will require the candidate to enroll and pay for student teaching coursework at a local university. In these cases, candidates must enroll and pay for National University student teaching coursework in addition to the local university courses. Candidates should contact the Courtesy Placement/Out-of-State Credential Program Specialist to begin a placement.

Courtesy Student Teaching Placement Qualifications

  • Candidates have completed the majority of coursework while living in California
  • Candidates must complete student teaching outside of California due to extenuating circumstances

Candidates interested in completing student teaching outside of California must submit a Courtesy Placement Request to the Courtesy Placement Credential Program Specialist. Permission to complete student teaching outside of California must be obtained from the Courtesy Placement/Out-of-State Department at National University. The Courtesy Placement/Out-of-State Coordinator will review the candidate’s eligibility requirements and will interview the applicant to assess the candidate’s knowledge, skills, and dispositions. Successful completion of the student teaching program requirements and interview will determine the candidate’s eligibility for a Courtesy Placement.




File Attachments:
  1. SSP Requirements.docx SSP Requirements.docx
    National University asks that placements be made with Site Support Providers who meet certain requirements.
  2. Student Teaching Guidelines Chart March 2012 (1).doc Student Teaching Guidelines Chart March 2012 (1).doc
    Student teachers move from observation, to small group instruction, whole class instruction and then finish with 2 weeks of full time teaching. This chart may help guide that development.
Author: Portfolio Manager
Last modified: 2/21/2017 6:06 PM (EDT)