Teaching Performance Assessment at NU

Teaching Performance Assessment at NU

An Introduction to TPA

Any individual who wishes to earn a Preliminary Multiple or Single Subject teaching credential in California must demonstrate the knowledge, skills and abilities to be a highly qualified teacher.  

Before the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) grants a teaching credential, they want to ensure each candidate can demonstrate their competency as a teacher education candidate. These compencies are outlined through the thirteen Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs).  

As you learn about the thirteen TPEs throughout your teacher preparation program, you will demonstrate these compentencies through:   

  • Completing signature assignments throughout your coursework
  • Field experiences through your coursework 
  • Through clinical practice (either student teaching or internship) 
  • The Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA)

The TPA is comprised of four tasks; each task measures various TPEs.  By successfully completing each task, you are demonstrating mastery of the TPE's.  

Completing TPA at National University

You will complete your TPA in Taskstream, an interactive online environment. Taskstream is an excellent tool for the TPA as it assures anonymity, a flexible working environment, and is a streamlined way to submit work and receive feedback.

Your TPA tasks will be completed at different times throughout your program:

  • Subject Specific Pedagogy (1st task) and Designing Instruction (2nd task) must be passed prior to student teaching
  • Assessing Learning (3rd task) and Culminating Teaching Experience (4th task) must be passed during the associated student teaching seminar course

You task will be evaluated by a TPA assessor. The TPA assessor population includes NU faculty, field coordinators, supervisors, and education personnel from outside the university. Taskstream ensures your submission will be reviewed fairly and anonymously.


Author: TPA Manager
Last modified: 1/9/2017 10:18 AM (EDT)