Teaching Performance Assessment at NU

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The TPA Tasks

The TPA measures your understanding and competency of the thirteen Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs).  The competency of the TPEs are required of every teacher candidate pursuing a credential in the state of California. 

You learn about the TPEs within your TED coursework. In this section of the TPA at NU website, click on each specific task for a specific breakdown of the task's alignment with teacher education coursework, the items required for each task submission, and the TPEs addressed by each task.

Your coursework includes specific assignments, called “Signature Assignments” which mirror the actual activities, questions and/or prompts you’ll complete in the various TPA tasks.  In some cases, these assignments may look exactly like portions of your TPA tasks. 

Author: TPA Manager
Last modified: 1/9/2017 10:18 AM (EDT)