Mayville State University Academic Assessment

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North Dakota University System (NDUS) Accountability Measures 2012

The NDUS-mandated requirements were initiated in 1999 when the legislative Interim Higher Education Committee was expanded by the Legislative Council to become the Roundtable on Higher Education, a group of state leaders from teh public and private sectors who established new expectations for the NDUS. In 2001, SB 2003 was passed by the Legislative Assembly and the Roundtable members identified key cornerstones on which to build a university system for the 21st century. The Roundtable then developed accountability measures that would allow stakeholders and the NDUS to measure success in revitalizing the state's economy. The annual NDUS Accountability Measures Report is widely used to determine how well Roundtable, Legislative and State Board of Higher Education expectations are being met.

The North Dakota University System campuses assume responsibility to the NDUS for documenting measurement of economic development and the education excellence accountability measures. These specific measurements include:

  • Enrollment in entrepreneurship courses and the number of graduates of entrepreneurship programs.

  • Student graduation and retention rates.

  • Student performance on nationally recognized exams benchmarked against national averages and first-time licensure pass rates compared to other states.

  • Student-reported satisfaction with preparation in selected major, acquisition of specific skills and technology knowledge and abilities.

  • Alumni- and student-reported satisfaction with preparation in selected major, acquisition of specific skills and technology knowledge and abilities benchmarked against historical trends.

  • Employer-reported satisfaction with preparation of recently hired graduates.

Author: Mayville Manager
Last modified: 5/3/2016 9:06 PM (EDT)