Mayville State University Academic Assessment

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Annual Report 2014-2015

Welcome to MSU's Academic Assessment Annual Report page.

You may find the specifics of each division's annual report in the navigation pane.

The Annual Report is a rigorous process which enables the institution to collect information about student learning outcomes, such as results of each assessment activity, which informs plans for improvement of the instruction and the assessment process. The report is a synthesis and summary from ongoing assessment work documented in TaskStream during the year. Each report presently includes four components: Important Findings, CourseEmbedded Activities, NonCourseEmbedded Resources and Prior Year Review. Reports are evaluated by multiple members of the Assessment Team who are not faculty in the division whose report is under review. The process uses a rubric unique to one component of the report and is supported by a completed worksheet that, among other uses, defines the concepts referenced in the rubric.

The important findings process requires that instructors collaborate about their instructional approaches, consider aspects of education outside of their classrooms, and share information about how their students are performing. A synthesis of understanding at a high level must occur in order for relevant findings and actions to be developed. Findings are supported by results of activities embedded in courses and by a number of other non-course embedded resources. Action plans to address program-level findings are written by faculty and implemented as appropriate.

Through the prior year review, the impact of implemented plans on student learning is evaluated, requiring instructors to carefully consider the actions they choose and the likelihood of implementation and success. Through the annual report process, MSU collects information about student learning outcomes and applies that information to the planning, review and assessment processes.  

Annual Report 2014-2015 Final Summary Document

Annual Report 2014-2015 Presentation to President's Cabinet

Author: Mayville Manager
Last modified: 5/3/2016 9:06 PM (EDT)