Jane Doe: Academic ePortfolio

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My Outcomes in The Accounting Concentration

The Program Plan in Accounting


Because the College is granting the degree is in Business and the Accounting is in the Concentration you might want to speak overall to how you are prepared in Accounting as opposed to listing each additional accounting competency. Although the more specific and complete you are in this section, the more you are able to document that you have skills in the accounting area.

So in this section you will write a justification/reflection as to why you think the artifact below demonstrates that you are very knowledgeable in accounting.

Include the following;

An introduction to the class the artifact was completed in

An explanation of what the artifact is

If it is a group paper, explain why you have included it in a personal portfolio, and detail which sections you were responsible for

Explain how the artifact meets the competency

Explain what you learned from writing the artifact and how this is applicable to your current/future career

Artifact Example

In this section you will load the artifact in question that clearly demonstrates the outcome in question. Remember an artifact is a graded assignment: Paper, PowerPoint, Presentation, Test, case study, culminating project: capstone projects, senior theses, senior exhibits.  This artifact should be a clean and perfected copy. No grades or instructor making should be on the artifact.
Author: ICCI Manager
Last modified: 5/11/2016 5:43 PM (EDT)