Teacher candidates are required to wear a name badge lanyard when a candidate is attending any off-campus clinical experience including in-school observations or field experiences, or on-campus events that they are directed by their instructors to wear identification. Name badge lanyards are to be worn each day a teacher candidate is completing any off-campus experience.
Name badge lanyards must be purchased from the MSU bookstore: http://www.mayvillestatebookstore.com/home or call (701) 788-4823 or 1 (800) 437-4104 ext.34823. The correct badge is located under course materials in courses that require an experience.
The name badge template for printing can be found below and within BlackBoard course shells for any course that has experiences requiring students to wear a name badge.
Teacher candidates are responsible to purchase the lanyard from the MSU Bookstore and print the name badge from the template.