MAT-Elementary Handbook

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Clinical and Field Experience Performance and Evaluation

Clinical and Field Experience Performance and Evaluation

Candidates' teaching and professional performance will be evaluated informally and formally across each field experience.

Field Experience Removal Conditions

The University has the authority to suspend or terminate a teacher intern’s experience for unsatisfactory teaching performance and/or professional behavior at any stage of the practicum.  The University also has the authority and responsibility to place conditions on any suspended intern before he/she can return to a teaching practicum.

The school has the right to request the immediate removal of the intern immediately if teaching or professional performance expectations are not met. This decision can be made by the principal, upon recommendation of the mentor teacher or PDS site coordinator. The MAT-Elementary Program Coordinator, in collaboration with representations from the Office of Clinical and Field Experience, can also suspend or terminate the candidate’s field experience.  If a candidate is removed from a placement due to school request, a committee led by the MAT-Elementary Program Coordinator, would determine the resulting grade for the field experience course.

Author: Frostburg MAT Elementary Manager
Last modified: 8/16/2023 9:32 AM (EDT)