School Counseling Program Handbook

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Other Personal Considerations

Self-Awareness, Personal Growth, & Balance

The self-awareness and personal growth encouraged by the M.Ed. School Counseling Program inevitably affects relationships with significant others. 

The faculty hopes that informing beginning students of potential concerns, particularly those arising out of the program’s emphasis on personal growth, will help minimize some of the unplanned effects of change.  Students identify both the positive and negative effects their involvement in the program has on their personal lives. The responsibilities and demands of school, employment, and family require organization, time-management and finding a new balance.  As a result of the self-development and a tendency for students to practice their techniques on significant others, family and social networks may change. 

Students are encouraged to avail themselves of existing resources such as informal support from other students.  Students are also urged to discuss any concerns with significant others as a preventative measure. Formal support or professional help are options are sometimes chosen.


Disability Accomodations

Students with any type of recognized confirmed disability that would require accommodations during a course and/or field experience should inform the Program Coordinator prior to a graded assignment, examination or field experience, including the submission of a letter prepared by Disability Support Services. Candidates should be aware that the demands and needed accommodations of a classroom course and a field experience may differ significantly, so candidates who are in need of field-based accommodations are encouraged to develop a separate accommodation plan for the field experience. It is the candidate’s responsibly to initiate that accommodation process for each class and/or field experience.

Contacting Field Placement Supervisors

Once the field placements are announced, candidates are expected to initially connect with their Practicum or Internship Supervisor by phone or email.  This initial contact is an opportunity to determine when a visit can be arranged, preferably before the beginning of the field experience.  This visit is not included in the required hours for either practicum or internship.

Author: Frostburg MEd School Counseling Manager
Last modified: 11/15/2021 2:12 PM (EDT)