School Counseling Program Handbook

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Experiential Course Evaluations and Outcomes

Experiential Course Evaluations

Student experiential course evaluations take place several times throughout the program.  These benchmark evaluations occur after each experiential course (SCCO 600, 609, and 613). The instructor provides the student with feedback on strengths and weaknesses in the areas of academic progress, counseling skill development, and personal characteristics. A formal evaluation also takes place at the Admission to Candidacy (18 credits) and following the Comprehensive Examination prior to or beginning of the Internship (SCCO 693).

A student may request a meeting for evaluation with either the instructor or the Program Coordinator.


Evaluation Outcomes

Evaluation Levels with Interventions/Actions

Possible outcomes of the evaluations include the following levels: 

  1. The student is making satisfactory progress. The student is approved to proceed with Study Plan.
  2. The student shows some skill deficits or personal characteristics that need addressed.  Recommendations are made to meet the evaluator's concerns. Recommendations may include, but are not limited to, revise the Study Plan, obtain personal counseling, complete additional course or field placement requirements, access the FSU Writing Center, or seek a tutor.  Candidacy or Practicum (SCCO 612) may be deferred until the standards are met or permitted with conditions and closely monitored review timeline.
  3. If the student's progress is unable to correct the skill deficits or identified personal characteristics or the student is in a field placement and shows significant skill deficits or personal characteristics which interfere with counseling relationships and professional behaviors, knowledge or skills, an Intern Development Plan (IDP) is created. The IDP identifies the student's attributes, strengths and needs. Identified concerns with Actions for Improvement are clearly delineated for the student, along with timeline and evaluation dates.  If the IDP final evaluation is determined and classified as "Ineffective", a transistion to Level 4 is required.
  4. If the student is unsuccessful in completing the IDP actions for improvement and/or it is determined due to the School Supervisor's Student Evaluation that the student is clearly demonstrating an inability to develop the necessary skills or professional characteristics in the time allowed by the graduate program, a Counseling Behaviors Contract is developed.  This document identifies the unimproved skills, inadequate knowledge and/or unchanged behaviors, and a plan for intense remediation with timeline and a clear understanding of potential consequences.  The student may be denied candidacy or advised to withdraw from the program. When candidacy is denied, the student must withdraw from the program.
Author: Frostburg MEd School Counseling Manager
Last modified: 11/15/2021 2:12 PM (EDT)