School Counseling Program Handbook

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Candidates must attend an orientation meeting prior to beginning the field experience each semester. These orientations may occur prior to the start of classes at the university. Failure to attend this orientation meeting will result in a delayed start to the field experience until after a make-up orientation session can be completed with the Program Coordinator.

Absences/Tardiness/Early Departure

Candidates are strongly encouraged not to miss days during the field experiences.  However, candidates are expected to notify specific individuals when he/she will be absent, late or must leave school early.  The Practicum schedule and required 100 clock-hours may be adjusted to make-up missed hours only with the school counselor supervisor's approval.  Any days/hours missed during the Internships is risky. In addition to the Practicum 100 clock-hours, the two 250 clock-hours Internship placements must be accomplished for Maryland certification. The University awards the diploma, but the State of Maryland Department of Education (MSDE) provides the K-12 school counseling certification.

If absent, tardy or needing to leave early, the intern is to notify the following people by a phone call and an email:

  1. The School Counselor Supervisor
    1. If a planned absence, as soon as possible. 
    2. If the absence is due to illness, as soon as possible before the start of the school day 
  2. The University Supervisor
    1. If a planned absence, as soon as possible. 
    2. If the absence is due to illness, by 7:00 a.m. or as soon as possible, especially if the Supervisor is scheduled to conduct an observation on that day.
Author: Frostburg MEd School Counseling Manager
Last modified: 11/15/2021 2:12 PM (EDT)