Goal 1: Students will analyze theories of criminal behavior, and the philosophy, policies, practices, and history of the major institutions of social control.
1.A: Apply the different theoretical frameworks to explain criminal behaviors.
1.B: Apply different philosophical frameworks to explain the function of the criminal justice system.
1.C: Critique the assumptions, strengths and limitations of the philosophical and theoretical frameworks used in criminal justice studies.
1.D: Apply theoretical frameworks to contemporary justice issues, particularly as they relate to the historical dynamics of inequality in social relations.
1.E: Explain the historical development of institutional policies and practices.
Goal 2: Students will analyze the inter-dependent operations of the major components of the criminal justice system (i.e., police, courts, correctional agencies) and the political, legal, ethical, and socioeconomic environments in which they operate, as well as the implications of these relationships for justice-impacted individuals, justice professionals, and society.
2.A: Identify and discuss the causes of crime; the tools and methods used to study, prevent, and control crime.
2.B: Identify and evaluate the institutions, principles, and actors involved in the apprehension, prosecution, punishment, and reintegration of individuals.
2.C: Describe and critique the legal and political framework under which the justice system and its primary actors operate.
2.D: Describe and analyze the organizational structure of courts, corrections, and law enforcement.
Goal 3: Students will demonstrate the ability to read, interpret, analyze, and synthesize social scientific data, legal doctrines, and public policy documents.
3.A: Develop criminal justice-related research hypotheses and questions.
3.B: Identify the difference between peer-review and non-scholarly work in criminal justice research.
3.C: Analyze peer-review and non-scholarly work in criminal justice research.
3.D: Locate scholarly information about criminal justice topics.
3.E: Compare and contrast the different methodological approaches used in social science research.
3.F: Use empirical data to analyze and solve problems.
3.G: Critique existing policies and laws.
Goal 4: Students will critically assess issues of social justice to increase their knowledge of people from varying backgrounds and beliefs.
4.A: Analyze events, information, programs, policies, and concepts that affect criminal justice agencies, justice actors, and the public.
4.B: Assess issues affecting contemporary society including diversity, equity, and inclusion.
4.C: Discuss and analyze gender, racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities that exist in the criminal justice system.
4.D: Discuss and assess how structural inequalities in society are shaped by historical, psychological, social, and political factors.
4.E: Discuss and assess the disparate impact of victimization across various demographic groups.
Goal 5: Students will develop the ability to formulate informed opinions and deliver these opinions effectively through oral and written communication.
5.A: Formulate well-educated and informed opinions.
5.B: Deliver well-educated and informed opinions effectively through oral and written communication.