1.A Teachers recognize individual differences in their students and adjust their practice accordingly.
1.B Teachers understand how students develop and learn.
1.C Teachers treat students equitably.
1.D Teachers know their mission transcends the cognitive development of their students.
2.A Teachers appreciate how knowledge in their subjects is created, organized, and linked to other disciplines.
2.B Teachers command specialized knowledge of how to convey a subject to students.
2.C Teachers generate multiple paths to knowledge.
3.A Teachers call on multiple methods to meet their instructional goals.
3.B Teachers support student learning in varied settings and groups.
3.C Teachers value student engagement.
3.D Teachers regularly assess student progress.
3.E Teachers engage students in the learning process.
4.A Teachers make difficult choices that test their professional judgment.
4.B Teachers use feedback and research to improve their practice and positively impact student learning.
5.A Teachers collaborate with other professionals to improve school effectiveness.
5.B Teachers work collaboratively with families.
5.C Teachers work collaboratively with the community.