Fall 2017 SOE Advising Newsletter

Home > TaskStream


For those of you who currently have an active Taskstream account, you will see a new DRF (Directed Response Folio) 
on your Home Page. This is the location where you will submit all key assignments for fall 2013 and onward. 
Please DO NOT submit work here from previous blocks!

If you created a Taskstream account prior to fall 2015 the DRF you started with has been made inactive, which means you will no longerbe able to access it from the home page. 
Work submitted through that program will still be available to you via the Folios & Web Pages tab though. 
To access the inactive DRF. 
Click on the folios and webpages tab then look for and click on a button on the top right hand side of the page. 
If you log into Taskstream and do not see a DRF, the DRF is not the correct one for your certification area, please email me:
your name, G00#, certification area, and current block so I can enroll you in the correct DRF.

If you need to sign up for a Taskstream account or renew your account, please follow these directions:

If you are currently enrolled in ANY CURR, ECED, EDUC, SPED, or INTD (INTD 203, INTD 300, INTD 301, INTD 302) block classes 
A TaskStream account is required for your class(es). 
All graduate students are required to have a TaskStream account.

ALL key assignments for the above SOE classes must be submitted through TaskStream. 
The key assignment for each SOE course will be listed in the course syllabus. 
It is the assignment you must complete successfully in order to pass the course.

A TaskStream Account will allow you to work with a variety of toolsets –
ie. NYS Common Core Standards/SPA Standards,  receive evaluator’s comments in real
time, archive collections of work in E-Portfolios. 
Most colleges have been using this data collection tool or a similar one for some time now.

Cost per student:
1 semester - $29.99/ 1 year - $49.99/ 2 years - $79.99/ 3 years - $102.99. 4 years - $109.99 
The cost per year decreases the more years you purchase at once. The year starts on
the day you activate your account. You will need the account for all future SOE blocks including student teaching. 

IF you have NOT already created an account, here are the directions:
To create a NEW TaskStream account using your credit card, go to
www.taskstream.com and click create/renew account in the top menu. 

If you are renewing your account the directions will be slightly different 
- follow the prompts on the screen

Step 1: Choose "Create a new TaskStream subscription," and click the
Continue button under Option 1 to pay with a credit card.

Step 2: Choose college/university student, as type of subscriber.

Step 3: Enter your personal information.

You will need to choose your home state, institution type, the name of
your school, and click Continue. Review your entry and click Proceed with

You will need to choose the desired length of subscription, indicate if
you wish to enable the Teaching Productivity Toolpack, and agree to the

Click Continue.

Step 4: Confirm your Registration Information by clicking Continue.

Step 5: If you do not wish to add storage to the 500mb which are included
with your subscription purchase,click Proceed to Checkout. You will
probably not need the extra storage and you can add it later if needed.

Step 6: Enter your name, your credit card information, and your billing
address and click Continue.

Step 7: Click Place Order to finalize your subscription.

Step 8: Log into Taskstream and verify that you have been enrolled in the correct DRF. 
If you have any problems please email Melissa Dussault (dussaultm@geneseo.edu) 
Send your G#, name, major/concentration so you can be enrolled in the correct DRF in Taskstream.
Please contact me if you have any questions!


File Attachments:
  1. DRF Author Guide.pdf DRF Author Guide.pdf
Author: SUNY Geneseo Education Manager
Last modified: 10/13/2017 4:52 AM (EST)