Welcome to the Childhood with Special Education Advisement Page
Liberal Arts Concentration (see link below for concentration forms) in: Art History, Dance, English, Environmental Studies, Foreign Language (Spanish or French), Geography, History, Latin American Studies, Mathematics, Music, Natural Science, Political Science, Theatre, Urban Studies, or Women and Gender Studies.
Please see the Master Schedule (visit the Dean of Academic's Webpage) for information about classes and required field visit times.
Block I
INTD 203 U/Social Foundations of American Education
SPED 231 Introduction to Special Education
Block II (2.75 GPA required)
SPED 224 Inquiry Based Teaching and Learning Strategies - Diverse Child (previously SPED 234 Instructional Strategies and Inquiry in Special Education) (25 hours of field visits)
You must be accepted into the school of education by the time you have accumulated 60 credit hours - junior status.
Block III (2.75 GPA required) Math 140 or Math 141 is a REQUIRED pre-requisite for this block.
(12.5 hours of shared field visits)
CURR 213 The Reading and Writing Processes
CURR 316 Teaching Science and Math to Children
Block IV (2.75 GPA required) Block IV practicum application required.
(25 hours of field visits shared by CURR 313 and CURR 317)
CURR 313 Reading and Literature Programs
CURR 317 Social Studies and Curriculum Integration
CURR 320 Arts and Career Education (12.5 hours of field visits)
SPED 383 Special Education Classroom Management Skills
Block V (2.75 GPA required) Block V practicum application required.
(25 hours of field visits shared by EDUC 354 and SPED 382)
EDUC 354 Family and Community
SPED 382 Assessment Strategies and Prescriptive Teaching for Students with Disabilities
SPED 385 Team Approaches to Education of Individuals with Disabilities
Block VI Please see eligibility requirements under the student teaching tab.
EDUC 331 or 332 Student Teaching-Primary or Intermediate
SPED 391 Student Teaching-Special Education-Mild Disabilities
Related Requirements
PSYCH 215 S/Child Development
MATH 140 & MATH 141 R/Mathematical Concepts for Elementary Education I & II - one of these MUST be completed prior to entering block III. Math 140 is a prerequisite for Math 141.
H&PE 350 Health & Safety Issues in School
Infectious Control Seminar(Blood Borne Pathogens) held two times per semester; students are notified through campus e-mail
Child Abuse Seminar held one time per academic year outside of H&PE 350; students are notified through campus e-mail
SAVE Seminar held one time per academic year outside of H&PE 350; students are notified through campus e-mail
DASA Seminar held one time per academic year outside of H&PE 350; students are notified through campus e-mail
Autism Seminar held as part of SPED 231. If you miss the class days for the seminar or have transferred SPED 231 in you will need to find and complete this seminar.