Score Artifacts and/or Assessment Activities
- Question to consider: Do I need to conduct scoring in real time (while the activity is taking place); or can I score submissions at a later date?
- Action to take: For observations and other activities that require immediate scoring; complete scoring during the activity. Decide if you will score Student Submission artifacts immediately following the course or at the beginning of the upcoming semester.
Notify the Institutional Effectiveness Department when Scoring is Complete
- Question to consider: Do I need assistance with the use of Taskstream for scoring? or Is my scoring of submissions complete and ready for review with the IE Department?
- Action to take: Contact the IE Department for help with the use of Taskstream for scoring if needed. Contact the IE Department to let them know scoring is complete and reports can be run.
Meet with the Institutional Effectiveness Department to Analyze Findings
- Question to consider: Were the established Targets or Criteria for Success "Met", "Not Met", or "Exceeded?" What do the results indicate?
- Action to take: In the analysis, discuss possible reasons that pedagogies or strategies are or are not leading students to achieve the desired results.
Work with Institutional Effectiveness Department to Develop Action Plan for Improved Performance in Next Group of Learners
- Question to consider: 1. What are some new strategies, activities, approaches, added levels of support, etc. that can be taken to help subsequent students improve skills or obtain a greater comprehension of the material? 2. Determine if a budget allocation should be tied to the plan (for new materials, lab equipment, faculty, software, etc.).
- Action to take: Develop a step-by-step plan with timeline that lists new strategies, activities, approaches, or added levels of support to improve learning for the next group of students. If a budget allocation is tied to the plan (for new materials, lab equipment, faculty, software, etc.), submit budget request.
Implement Plan; Assess Effectiveness
- Question to consider: What is the plan and when will it be implemented? Was the budget allocation that was tied to the plan (if applicable) approved?
- Action to take: Implement the plan for continuous improvement as scheduled. Reassess during the next scheduled cycle to determine effectiveness of the action plan.