South Piedmont Community College Faculty Assessment and Planning Resource Site

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Using Taskstream

South Piedmont uses two platforms in Taskstream - the Accountability Management System (AMS) and the Learning Achievement Tools (LAT).

The AMS platform is used to complete your program's annual assessment reporting. Program information such as your program's mission statement, learning outcomes, curriculum map, IRA matrix, and other relevant documentation is stored on this platform. South Piedmont also uses the AMS to monitor progress on Strategic Plan operational tasks.

The LAT platform is used for student learning outcomes assessment and gives academic programs the opportunity to collect and report on evidence of student learning. The platform is arranged in Directed Response Folios (DRF), which are equivalent to full academic programs or divisions of study. Within DRFs, authors (students) submit their program-related work/assignments for assessment and evaluation. As a faculty member, you will use this platform to evaluate student artifact submissions and generate reports.


Author: SPCC Manager
Last modified: 8/8/2024 12:44 PM (EDT)