If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it.

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About Me



"Do small things with great love." - Mother Teresa


Hi! My name is Fran Mangahas, and my favorite color is orange. Some of my other favorite things include dogs, Harry Potter, and veggie pizza. I am also a senior at Loyola University Chicago studying Psychology with a minor in Bioethics. Additionally, I am Pre-Optometry, so I hope to become an eye doctor some day and help people with bad vision such as myself.

I have participated in a lot of service work over the years, but I never thought I would do something like Global Brigades and have it be such an important impact on my life. After going to Nicaragua for the first time last January, I saw the great things that can be done in just one brigade. Because of this great experience, I became motivated enough to return to Nicaragua again in 2015 as a leader for another brigade. Being a part of Global Brigades has made all the difference in my life. It has shown me the responsibility I have to everyone inhabiting this earth, it has expanded my understanding of different cultures, it has given me the opportunity to take action, and most importantly, it has shown me how much love there is in the world. There is no place I would rather be than doing what I can for the people I have grown to love. 

Author: Frances Mangahas
Last modified: 12/3/2014 12:05 PM (EDT)