While I gained an understanding of the importance of classroom management, respect, and different learning styles, Gila Crossing educated on much more. I learned that even in the worst of situations, a teacher can never give up on the students. If I do, my students will see this and feel that they are not good enough or incapable of being a good student. I can think back to when I was in school. If the teacher had given up on me when I just could not understand, where would I be today? Personally, I can think of a number of times that a teacher did not give up on me; he or she worked with me until I understood the material. Not only did I gain the knowledge to learn, I also gained a strong belief in myself. It is my duty as a future educator to instill that strong belief with in my students. Along with never giving up on my students, I must never give up on my abilities as a teacher. I have chosen this profession because I want to make a difference. I have also chosen this profession because I know I can educate the future. I must never forget those facts as I endeavor to make a difference in the field of education.
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