<font size=4><center>Jennifer McDaniel's Teacher Education Portfolio</font></center>

Home > <font size=4><font color=white>Field Experience</font size=4></font> > <font size=3>Gila Crossing Community School</font size=3>

<font size=3>Gila Crossing Community School</font size=3>

Gila Crossing.jpg

During my Cultural Diversity in Education class I had the opportunity to visit Gila Crossing Community School. The school is located on an Indian reservation in the far southwest valley. This was a great opportunity for me to gain knowledge about what it is like to grow up and live on an Indian reservation. I was able to talk to many staff members and many students to learn more about a culture that I did not know much about. I found out that a strong community is huge part of the Native American Culture. I was also able to attend many different events with the students, including several of field trips. I went with the eighth grade class to the high schools that they might be attending. My time at Gila Crossing was short, even so I learned so much!

Graphic provided by http://www.gccs.bia.edu/index.htm

Author: Jeni McDaniel
Last modified: 12/11/2005 6:33 PM (EDT)