<font size=4><center>Jennifer McDaniel's Teacher Education Portfolio</font></center>

  1. <font size=3>Introduction to Education</font size=3>
    1. <font size=3>Pro Con Debate</font size=3>
      1. <font size=3>References</font size=3>
      2. <font size=3>PowerPoint Presentation</font size=3>
    2. <font size=3>Critical Analysis</font size=3>
    3. <font size=3>Research Paper</font size=3>
      1. <font size=3>References</font size=3>
      2. <font size=3>PowerPoint Presentation</font size=3>
    4. <font size=3>My Final Reflection</font size=3>
      1. <font size=3>PowerPoint Presentation</font size=3>
    5. <font size=3>Philosophy of Teaching</font size=3>
  2. <font size=3>Cultural Diversity in Education</font size=3>
    1. <font size=3>Imagine: My Inspiration For The Semester</font size=3>
    2. <font size=3>Critical Analysis</font size=3>
    3. <font size=3>Teaching Strategies</font size=3>
    4. <font size=3>Native American Drop-out Rate: Research Paper and Presentation</font size=3>
      1. <font size=3>Research Paper</font size=3>
      2. <font size=3>PowerPoint Presentation</font size=3>
      3. <font size=3>In-Class Activity</font size=3>
      4. <font size=3>Handout</font size=3>
      5. <font size=3>References</font size=3>
    5. <font size=3>Final Reflection</font size=3>
    6. <font size=3>My Philosophy of Cultural Education</font size=3>
  3. <font size=3>Introduction to Exceptional Learner</font>
    1. <font size=3>Philosophy of Exceptional Learners</font size=3>
    2. <font size=3>The Referral Process for Special Education</font size=3>
    3. <font size=3>The I.E.P. Process</font size=3>
    4. <font size=3>Students with Emotional and Behavior Disorders a Collaborative Group Project</font>
  4. <font size=3>Technology Courses</font size=3>
    1. <font size=3>WebQuest: Learning To Make Net Smart Choices</font size=3>
      1. <font size=3>Teacher's Handouts</fontsize=3>
    2. <font size=3>WebQuest: Amazing People in U.S. History Memorial Wall</font size=3>
      1. <font size=3>Amazing People in U.S. History Worksheet and Teacher Guide</font size=3>
    3. <font size=3>Reader Response: "Teacher vs. Computer"</font size=3>
    4. <font size=3>Reader Response: "Technical Difficulties" </font size=3>
    5. <font size=3>Final Reflection of Service Learning in a Technology Classroom</font size=3>
    6. <font size=3>Philosophy of Classroom Technology</font size=3>
  5. <font size=3>Relationships in a Classroom Setting</font size=3>
    1. <font size=3>Philosophy of Classroom Management</font size=3>
    2. <font size=3>Final Reflection</font size=3>
    3. <font size=3>Theorist Research Project </font size=3>
      1. <font size=3>References</font size=3>
      2. <font size=3>Class Activity</font size=3>
    4. <font size=3>Professional Reading Response</font size=3>
  6. <font size=3>Social Studies Courses</font size=3>
Home > <font size=4><font color=blue>Course Work</font size=4></font> > <font size=3>Technology Courses</font size=3> > <font size=3>Final Reflection of Service Learning in a Technology Classroom</font size=3>

<font size=3>Final Reflection of Service Learning in a Technology Classroom</font size=3>


It's All About The First Week      


“. . .It is with great sadness that I inform you that one of our seniors, (Students Name), was the victim in a fatal motorcycle accident over the weekend.  A crisis team from the District. . .” as the teacher continued to read the letter sent home to students and parents on September 27, 2004, I began to realize the importance of being prepared for anything as a teacher.  As a teacher, your role is much deeper than just an educator; in a moment you must become the strongest person that you can be, even if you are hurting like the students.  I realize now, more than ever, the importance of not just good, but great classroom management.  During the time I spent at < FONT>


While at Mesquite</st1:place>, I spent my time in a computer lab with classes that ranged from freshman to seniors.  I observed and assisted with a variety of computer classes.  From Keyboarding to Programming to Rebuilding computers, the time I spent in the lab helped me understand more than ever how important technology is in the classroom.  However, I also realize that even though schools have technology in their classrooms and labs it does not necessarily mean that teachers know how to use it or incorporate it into their classes.  I felt very privileged to be in a classroom where the teacher was very educated in the field; however, I know that that will not always be the case.  I know that, as a future teacher I have a great start with the technology classes that are offered to me in college; however, I think it is very important as a future educator that I keep up-to-date with the information by continuing my technology education.  My knowledge of technology needs to be a ever-changing as technology itself.


Through my service learning I have begun to understand the importance of having a strong understanding in the field of technology although, my service learning made me realize that Classroom Management is even more important.  My mentor teacher really stressed one major point with me, “if you can’t get it through to them (students) in the first week, forget about it.”  While this seemed like a scary thought, it did make sense.  My mentor felt that you must establish your rules, procedures, and expectations with your students at the outset.  During my Classroom Management course we have also discussed this point.  I understand now that students want structure and if you establish that with them you are one step ahead in the game.  During my Classroom Management course we discussed the option of having your class help write rules.  While this may be an option for some, I do not see myself using this in my high school class.  I think that with older grade levels you come across  more in command if rules are already set.  In my opinion having rules set also gives your students that sense of structure they so desperately need.


Even though a teacher may expect a lot from his or her students and may be seen as a “tough” teacher, there can still be a strong bond is developed with students.  My mentor teacher has a wonderful relationship with his students.  He treats them with respect and in return they treat him with respect.  I really enjoyed watching the relationship that was established in the room.  The students in the class seemed to truly understand where the boundaries were with inappropriate behavior and would stop when it passed that point.  During my Classroom Management course we have talked about the fact that sometimes the best classroom management techniques can’t  I realized after being at   I can only hope that someday I too can build a strong respect relationship with my students and be able to show strong classroom management skills as did my mentor teacher.</FONT></FONT>


The time that I spent at High School was quite memorable.  I am beginning to understand the important roles that a teacher must assume at any time.  With the help of my Classroom Management course and my mentor teacher I am also beginning to understand the importance of classroom management and its many aspects.  Being in a technology class also helped me understand the importance that technology plays in the classroom, and will continue to play in the future.  I am beginning to understand that my education in technology cannot just end after I get my degree; I must keep current with technology so that I will always be prepared to help students with it. I think that the most important thing I have learned after completing my service learning though, is that I must find ways to build strong, respectful relationships with my students.  While they are my students and I am their teacher, I will always try my hardest to build a reciprocal trust with them.  This was the second time I have done service learning at the high school level.  This second time has strengthened my conviction to teach high school students because I know some day I can make a difference in my students’ lives.


Graphics provided by Mesquite High School Webpage.

Author: Jeni McDaniel
Last modified: 12/11/2005 6:33 PM (EDT)