A Vicious Cycle:
The Battle to Save America's Native Youths
Native Americans have the highest drop-out rate compared to any other race or culture. Some students make the appalling decision to drop out of school as early as the fourth grade. While the Native American drop-out rate appears to be an out of control, vicious cycle, new ideas, improved teaching techniques, and more involvement in students’ lives are bringing renewed hope in reversing this destructive trend. It is hoped that through new programs offered to students by their schools and communities they may be encouraged to complete school and go on to do great things with their lives. Making sure that teachers receive the necessary training by giving them a strong understanding about the culture of their children could also become a very useful tool to detour their students from leaving school. No matter what culture any student comes from, more involvement by parents, schools, and communities can add to their success; for the Native American culture, involvement could be key to changing the drop-out rate dilemma.
Even though there are many new programs, no single solution that will fix this appalling drop-out rate problem overnight. However, with every new idea that is turned into a program, every new teacher who is trained correctly, and every child who has someone who wants to be involved with his or her life, the vicious cycle of the drop-out rate will diminish. Native American students are no different from any other race of Americans. They deserve the best that education can offer them. With the help of community leaders and state and government officials, hopefully the cycle of failure in the reservation can someday end.
Graphics provided by Personal Clip Art Program